Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Saturday Nights' Bloody Indonesian Judo Dinner Buffet

I have to say that this is one of the worse public dinners that I have ever wasted money and time on.

Right after the earlier than usual departure from Sentosa, I knew I was so gonna be late to meet my fellow Judokas.

If I had not gave way to the next person going to shower.

If I had not stopped to get myself a cool can of Root Beer at HarbourFront MRT to cool myself down.

I got there 10 mins late, and I saw myself staring at the meagre number of people going for the dinner. My senior which I admired, Dennis was there, with his girlfriend. Ling Feng, the person I feared will be there at the dinner, who just came back from a smoke. Plus 3-4 people beisdes Ridhuan (our president) whocalled me to this dinner.

Where are the people I knew? Out of these crowds are girls that I barely knew. Where is our female captain Yee Ling? Where are the second year Judokas that I knew so well? Most importantly, where are my third year buddies?

I'm So Gonna Die.

We waited for another half hour before getting all the expected replies from my third year buddies.

"Oh sorry leh, I cannot make it. You guys have fun."

And so on and so forth. Then Ling Feng, as expected took out the blame of the lack of people on me.

"You see lah! Your committee passed down from Connie that time, now like this! And the next committee is now affected by you people! Now we have to start over after Yee Ling's Batch!"

What I don't understand is that I was a third year student, not even part of the Judo Club Committee at all.

On to the dinner. The food wasn't that great, all fried, or with lotsa hot chilli. It also came with the same army experiences and jokes that Ling Feng shared, making the whole dinner just like any army gathering. I feel for Ridhuan, the only person who did not understand Mandarin, as most of the chattering was in Mandarin. A gathering indeed.

I waste 12 dollars on a less than average dinner.

After that they even asked Ridhuan whether he drinks or not. It's like, the most stupid question I have ever heard! A muslim obviously can't drink! And they asked three times!

Most of the group went on for a drink at Chijmes, while I quickly went home before I run out of expenses. Bleah.

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