Monday, June 13, 2005

Shows that speak of Friendship, Courage, Superpowers, Humour... Blah Blah.

I had actually wanted to write this post at first on Saturday... after watching an anime show...

Post Comments #1: Any Shinn-Hater's Club? The Episode was a heartbreaker by the way. Maybe I am a Kira fan unlike Marcus Goh, who is more interested with the Red Knight Athrun...

Post Comments #2: The episode was a heartbreaker, with incredibly sloppy plot devices that make certain characters weaks and some, strong...

Ok.... I guess only a minority will understand this crap. Go Strike-Freedom! Die Destiny! Infinite Justice, you just Suck! buahahahaha.....

Just for an update's sake:

I had an knee ligament recon operation two weeks ago. Swelling is still there, and the initial phase of not being able to live a day like a human being, was a pain in the ass. Now I am having a month's worth of MC, which has been the envy of my unit mates.

Up til now, I've been watching... a few movies... Hostage is a good Bruce Willis show I think. Then there are the Japanese cartoon shows that depicts of Friendship, Hope, Courage, Superpowers, Humour, Good over Evil, and a plot device, that with Will, you can do anything.

Haha.... yes, Anime.

While most of the Anime is aimed at teenagers of specific genders or both, there is one anime series that reeks of darkness, and seems like a mystery case dealing deeply with the Nazis, and killing just for the sake of a name.

The series is called Monster. Apparently, the series is not bad, and New Line Cinema is interested in creating a movie based on this story's plot.

Info and more can be gotten here...

Well, I'm off to my next anime marathon... see ya around~


•°o.O( gen )O.o°• said...

i hate shinn too!!! wat happened??? not keeping track of this.... is athrun still alive??

anyway, take care of yourself ya? we will try to organise as many outings as we can allow (monetary wise), what with movie prices skyrocketing...

dun forget us ok???

fatyandao said...

In the latest episode, Shinn just owned Kira (despite references that Kira is close to invincible).

Athrun, who got owned by Kira 4 episodes ago, is alive and well, and watched Freedom as it was stabbed by Impulse...

Rawr, damn plot device, but with that more mecha to come with that, so I kind of gotten over it.

But... any shinn hater's club?? Gah.... can't find...

Thanks a lot for hanging around, I should have plenty of time to take care of myself... haha..

Actually it's not really about the outings... can't really describe it....