Oh man, this is really tiring for me...
My block leave after BMT was seriously wasted.
It's has been two weeks since I've been frantically fixing my friend's computer.
First screw up
His computer could not boot up, not even the Power On Self Test... so I wagered that it was a problem with his memory, or his video card. I eventually found out it was the memory.
Took out three chips, two are PC100 double sided, 128MB each, one was PC133, single-sided 64mb.
Of all three, I choose the great 128MB Kingston SDRAM.
And it worked!!! Everthing was okay and then I dillied-dallied with his computer for a bit, before he took it back home.
And then he called me from home to say that...
Second Screw Up
His operating system crashed.
"$*%&$*^(#$(*$%(," I thought. Just how did it crash? Was it the movement that caused it to not work?
So I went to his home, and tried to revive it back to life. All I had was a Win98SE boot disk, two HUGE 80GB Seagate Hard Disk Drives, using the NTFS File System. And with a LOT of scattered bad sectors, it was a real chore testing the disk intergrity during FDisk, and a real waste of time when the Fomatting attempted to recover the bad sectors. Boy, the formatting program is a REAL turtle. Just why won't the utility skip the bad sectors?
In the end, I brought one Hard Disk Drive home. Cleanly Install it with an operating system should work...
Haha... to think how stupid I am... I thought it was easy when I used my OS to format and partition the HDD, but to install the OS on the formatted HDD when my own HDD is connected to the computer.
My friend's HDD was finally working again, and I detached the HDD and brought it to my friend's home with much anticipation. Until I realised...
Third Screw Up
The operating system cannot boot when attached to my friend's computer. After an analysis of the problem, I found out that the boot data is on my HDD, even though the OS are installed on different HDDs.
And I spend the sleepless night trying to get his computer to boot again....
It was all in vain. I left in the wee hours of the morning, and reached my home. I turned the door handle only to see....
Fourth Screw Up
I was locked out. Parents, sister was asleep, brother was out at chalet. Not wanting to awaken my father and his wrath (he hates insufficient sleep) through ringing the door bell, or calling home, I wandered a while... and did some thinking...
With four hours left before I needed to leave home for the movie marathon, I formated the HDD through my OS (again), made two partitions and installed two operating systems, WIN98 SE and then Win XP Pro over it. haha... everything was perfect, except for the fact that I had to forsake my first movie, "National Treasure", and treated my sister to the movie because the ticket was already booked.
The boot data is finally in his HDD, and I installed two OS to allow any fallback.
I swear, everything worked, and I was quickly installing the patches, programs and such... with two hours left on my watch.
Then my friend asked me to install the second SDRAM chip to increase his computer memory.
Fifth Screw Up
Yeah, another one here..... the added SDRAM, unluckily, corruptted my Windows XP. The damage was irreversible, and i could really see my friend getting really pissed at the computer cock ups...
I thought about loading Win98SE instead of XP Pro (Two OS remember?), but... WIN98SE could not load. The different File Systems for the paritions I created, namely FAT32 for WIN98SE, and NTFS for WIN XP Pro, was the final blow.
Sixth Screw Up
But that was not it... I was really late for the movie : Blade Trinity, and left my home at 2.30pm after a quick shower and change of clothes.
Took a Transcab taxi, and got a little taste of something to calm my nerves called... TV Mobile. The ride was very eventful, the taxi driver talked quite a bit, mantaining a constant speed of 60km/h. I guess, safety is first on her mind in the rainy weather, but I swear man, the whole ride seemed like a circus show in the middle of a very very long jam in the city area...
My late became very late, and I reached Plaza Singapura's Cinema in time to...
Seventh Screw Up
Screw Up Again. Late for my movie, the action was already starting, and I had to get the attention and irritation of the upper half of the hall to get into my seat...
On top of that, my head felt heavy all the while from lack of sleep. Everytime I bend down, my head feels like it's anchoring to the ground and won't get up. I looked real bADDd for the occasion on that day...
Argh.... my faults are really getting the better of me. Tardiness, the always wonderful ability to cock up, and the present procastination to rectify it...
Must "admit it, learn from it, and never do it again..."
Thanks for the quote man...
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Saturday, December 11, 2004
And the posting arrives.
SAF BMTC ePosting Order
Comd SAF BMTC congratulates you for your successful completion of the BMT.
Your Posting Order is listed below:
1. You are posted to HQ ARMOUR.
2. Your vocation is DRIVER.
3. Your are to report to: Sungei Gedong Camp, BLK 252, RM #02-21.
Reporting Date/Time: 13/12/2004 at 0800 hrs.
Person to report to: Chief Clerk
Contact Number: 66686237
You are required to report in smart no.4 uniform (PES E recruits to be in No 3 uniform), except for those assigned to Police Force.
4. Special Instruction:
You are not required to bring along the SAF issued items given during BMT, except for PT Kit. Check with your unit whether you are required to stay in.
I guess, I got my wish of being a driver, getting a free license, and if not, good and free, needed experience in manoeuvring a vehicle.
Just hope I won't kanna Dentention Barracks as easily as they say...
Comd SAF BMTC congratulates you for your successful completion of the BMT.
Your Posting Order is listed below:
1. You are posted to HQ ARMOUR.
2. Your vocation is DRIVER.
3. Your are to report to: Sungei Gedong Camp, BLK 252, RM #02-21.
Reporting Date/Time: 13/12/2004 at 0800 hrs.
Person to report to: Chief Clerk
Contact Number: 66686237
You are required to report in smart no.4 uniform (PES E recruits to be in No 3 uniform), except for those assigned to Police Force.
4. Special Instruction:
You are not required to bring along the SAF issued items given during BMT, except for PT Kit. Check with your unit whether you are required to stay in.
I guess, I got my wish of being a driver, getting a free license, and if not, good and free, needed experience in manoeuvring a vehicle.
Just hope I won't kanna Dentention Barracks as easily as they say...
Friday, December 10, 2004
Bachelor Zeng Ziting
bach·e·lor (b
r, b
Question was asked.
Question was anwered.
Talked quite a lot, religions, and such. Would loved to write it all here, but heck, I promised her it would be a secret.
I finally left my burden behind, since my poly years. I guess, I settled it once and for all. All these confusions, all these troubles and misconceptions, all the words, all the confessions.
All talked over a McDonald's Meal, and all of it boiled down to these two.
Still Friends. Nicole and Ziting. World Peace.
Zeng Ziting, Single, Free Thinker, Lonely, Going to be Flirtatious, and At Large.
Till next time...

- An unmarried man.
Question was asked.
Question was anwered.
Talked quite a lot, religions, and such. Would loved to write it all here, but heck, I promised her it would be a secret.
I finally left my burden behind, since my poly years. I guess, I settled it once and for all. All these confusions, all these troubles and misconceptions, all the words, all the confessions.
All talked over a McDonald's Meal, and all of it boiled down to these two.
Still Friends. Nicole and Ziting. World Peace.
Zeng Ziting, Single, Free Thinker, Lonely, Going to be Flirtatious, and At Large.
Till next time...
Thursday, December 09, 2004
What drives you?
I have been a real hunchback, looking at the ground for quite a while. Not able to play my favourite sport, uncertain of my future... all that crap.
Had a meeting with the Disc Knights at Subway. Key players are troubled by NS commitments, and passions aflame, and other stuff. Plans under discussion, plans under way.
That's not the main thing I am thinking to myself. It seems that after a few months of inactivity, I have been thinking to myself, how weird I felt when I return to watch a game of pick up during the Deepavali week, only tossing disc around, unable to run due to doctor's advice, unable to play Ultimate.
Then came Hari Raya Puasa, the Sunday, where the guys and gals were having their League. Keeks came up to me (or the other way round, i forgot), to hand me the fees from teaching the primary kids during the one day event at Marina, and teaching Tajong Katong ladies during the weeks before I enlisted in Aug.
It just felt... so strange. Maybe Keeks has this stern face which is freaking me out, but I really dunno. Maybe it's the whole "you guys can play, i can't play but watch" atmosphere.
Then the passion for Ultimate. I guess I have been playing Ultimate for quite a while, and still enjoying it, but how committed am I?
Am I the kind of guy who comes for team trainings, or the one for leisurely pickups?
I'm someone who is up for anything. The feeling of being in Disc Knights, from its inception, its development, injecting of new blood, promoting of the sport through Beach Pickups every saturday in Sentosa, winning league games, losing league games (touch wood) cannot be described in words alone.
But I do have other commitments. I love my family, and it's always good to attend a family dinner on the only feasible Saturday evening (Only less than two days to spend life as civilian sia). Love is another thing. I guess Ultimate is next.
And my friend asked me, "What drives you?"
I still can't find the answer to that. All I know is that I'll play Ultimate, no matter what, as long I'm with a loving family, and a loving partner.
P.S.: Very mushy sia... yuck...
Had a meeting with the Disc Knights at Subway. Key players are troubled by NS commitments, and passions aflame, and other stuff. Plans under discussion, plans under way.
That's not the main thing I am thinking to myself. It seems that after a few months of inactivity, I have been thinking to myself, how weird I felt when I return to watch a game of pick up during the Deepavali week, only tossing disc around, unable to run due to doctor's advice, unable to play Ultimate.
Then came Hari Raya Puasa, the Sunday, where the guys and gals were having their League. Keeks came up to me (or the other way round, i forgot), to hand me the fees from teaching the primary kids during the one day event at Marina, and teaching Tajong Katong ladies during the weeks before I enlisted in Aug.
It just felt... so strange. Maybe Keeks has this stern face which is freaking me out, but I really dunno. Maybe it's the whole "you guys can play, i can't play but watch" atmosphere.
Then the passion for Ultimate. I guess I have been playing Ultimate for quite a while, and still enjoying it, but how committed am I?
Am I the kind of guy who comes for team trainings, or the one for leisurely pickups?
I'm someone who is up for anything. The feeling of being in Disc Knights, from its inception, its development, injecting of new blood, promoting of the sport through Beach Pickups every saturday in Sentosa, winning league games, losing league games (touch wood) cannot be described in words alone.
But I do have other commitments. I love my family, and it's always good to attend a family dinner on the only feasible Saturday evening (Only less than two days to spend life as civilian sia). Love is another thing. I guess Ultimate is next.
And my friend asked me, "What drives you?"
I still can't find the answer to that. All I know is that I'll play Ultimate, no matter what, as long I'm with a loving family, and a loving partner.
P.S.: Very mushy sia... yuck...
Big Day For Me Today...
Well, call it a date or something? Yeah, I'm meeting up with someone I deem special. It might seem like a normal lunch to her or a face-to-face meeting to get me into financial planning (her current career), but I guess I'll pop the question to her.
I have nothing to lose. Who knows, the answer might be something unexpected. But Ziting doesn't keep his hope too high... sort of knowing what could happen, yeah.
Been thinking only of her for too long... but I can't let it be a one sided loved all this time.
I'm out of here...
I have nothing to lose. Who knows, the answer might be something unexpected. But Ziting doesn't keep his hope too high... sort of knowing what could happen, yeah.
Been thinking only of her for too long... but I can't let it be a one sided loved all this time.
I'm out of here...
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Recruit Life Changed Me, What Changed You?
Well, the 21st Obese Batch from Echo Company, BMTC School 1, just passed out from recruits to become privates, and including me too.
Welcome Private Zeng Ziting. It would have been great if my parents came and put the jockey cap on my head... hahaha...
A sure good way to break my heart...
Anyways, my operation has been postponed to 20th December. Can't really say that it's a situation of having no balls and such, but the real fact that I don't want to miss my week's worth of paid leave which I am enjoying now.
To enlighten you all further...
I was supposed to have the operation on 29/11/04, which was a Monday, but if I went for it then, I am automatically given two weeks of MC, which in turn:
1) Doesn't cancel away the week-long leave that has been deducted from my annual leave. In terms of Pte. Ziting's Kiasuism, is a very big loss.
2) Deprives me of getting out, enjoying a week long break I wanted after 16 weeks. Under military law, it is a crime for army personnel who is on MC and leaves home for no reason.
3) And to think how to go for that Platoon BBQ, watching National Treasure, watching Ultimate Pickups, eating @ Subway(whoops) if I had an MC now...
Ok, ain't I clever enough? But the world doesn't revolve around you Ziting... My intended date for the Op was on the 10th, which is a SG Soldier's payday, my E-Posting Day, deciding my NS fate for the next two years or so, and this coming friday.
The docs won't make it on the 10th so they delayed it to a monday, 20th December. Giving me an effective week to get comfortable at my new camp.
And of all things, I was interviewed by 3rd Guards to be a Guards Reconnaissance Biker. People around me have been saying about Guards, a unit that emits animosity towards Commandos, a 'light' version of Commandos, and of course very tough training short of becoming a Commando. Yeah, it's near to my wish of getting a driver's job as a vocation, but not like that...
Must skive... all the way. No point wasting my fucked up body for the Army. I swear man, the hype around Guards is making me think about reporting sick on the first day of reporting at the new unit.
Ok I think I'm getting out of topic, now back to.....
"Recruit Life has changed me, what changed you?"
Well, this quote was somewhat adapted from someone's MSN Display tag, "Army Life has changed me, What changed you?", but the fact that I just passed through a recruit's life ONLY has made me rename that sentence.
Well, I noticed recently, that I have been harbouring a new approach towards air force, army, navy and police, in movies, in reality, in real life, in reel life.
I will notice the ranks that they have, the insignias they possess, and whether they are from land, air or sea.
To think that on one booking out, I was at my home's MRT station, going down the escalator, when I saw someone in his Smart 4 (standard neat wear for SAF). I kept staring at his side, and at his top, until I realised, "Chey, he's a Lance Corporal."
And that very guy patted his hand on my shoulder, catching me with a very, very shocked expression on my pale face. He said hi, I said hi too, and I went on my way.
And I saw his mother. "Why you never say hello to my son," she asked.
Then I realised, he's my neighbour.
Recruit life has made me a little more intimidated.
I also remember another incident, where my poly classmate, Big Brother Heng, who had gone through NS, telling us about his vocation in Combat Engineers, and the great adventures. But it happens upon this conversation...
Singapore Ultimate Frisbee Opens Leagues at Marina South Park!!! Go GO GO!!! (ME)
what is your rank in the SAF ah?
| Permission To Mount The Bar -- sergeant! | (Big Brother Heng)
Lance Corporal
Singapore Ultimate Frisbee Opens Leagues at Marina South Park!!! Go GO GO!!!
| Permission To Mount The Bar -- sergeant! |
Lowest rank after private first class
Singapore Ultimate Frisbee Opens Leagues at Marina South Park!!! Go GO GO!!!
i still recruit, lower than Private...
| Permission To Mount The Bar -- sergeant! |
im cilivian. bigger than your Officer. Heh.
it's quite difficult to raise my head now... the stigma's still there... wait till I ORD....... and I become civilian...
Even the fact that I'm no longer under the control of my platoon sergeant (my secondary school mate) or another sergeant (my Secondary School/D.I.T Senior), the stigma is there.
Will I recover from this box I call the recruit life?
Welcome Private Zeng Ziting. It would have been great if my parents came and put the jockey cap on my head... hahaha...
A sure good way to break my heart...
Anyways, my operation has been postponed to 20th December. Can't really say that it's a situation of having no balls and such, but the real fact that I don't want to miss my week's worth of paid leave which I am enjoying now.
To enlighten you all further...
I was supposed to have the operation on 29/11/04, which was a Monday, but if I went for it then, I am automatically given two weeks of MC, which in turn:
1) Doesn't cancel away the week-long leave that has been deducted from my annual leave. In terms of Pte. Ziting's Kiasuism, is a very big loss.
2) Deprives me of getting out, enjoying a week long break I wanted after 16 weeks. Under military law, it is a crime for army personnel who is on MC and leaves home for no reason.
3) And to think how to go for that Platoon BBQ, watching National Treasure, watching Ultimate Pickups, eating @ Subway(whoops) if I had an MC now...
Ok, ain't I clever enough? But the world doesn't revolve around you Ziting... My intended date for the Op was on the 10th, which is a SG Soldier's payday, my E-Posting Day, deciding my NS fate for the next two years or so, and this coming friday.
The docs won't make it on the 10th so they delayed it to a monday, 20th December. Giving me an effective week to get comfortable at my new camp.
And of all things, I was interviewed by 3rd Guards to be a Guards Reconnaissance Biker. People around me have been saying about Guards, a unit that emits animosity towards Commandos, a 'light' version of Commandos, and of course very tough training short of becoming a Commando. Yeah, it's near to my wish of getting a driver's job as a vocation, but not like that...
Must skive... all the way. No point wasting my fucked up body for the Army. I swear man, the hype around Guards is making me think about reporting sick on the first day of reporting at the new unit.
Ok I think I'm getting out of topic, now back to.....
"Recruit Life has changed me, what changed you?"
Well, this quote was somewhat adapted from someone's MSN Display tag, "Army Life has changed me, What changed you?", but the fact that I just passed through a recruit's life ONLY has made me rename that sentence.
Well, I noticed recently, that I have been harbouring a new approach towards air force, army, navy and police, in movies, in reality, in real life, in reel life.
I will notice the ranks that they have, the insignias they possess, and whether they are from land, air or sea.
To think that on one booking out, I was at my home's MRT station, going down the escalator, when I saw someone in his Smart 4 (standard neat wear for SAF). I kept staring at his side, and at his top, until I realised, "Chey, he's a Lance Corporal."
And that very guy patted his hand on my shoulder, catching me with a very, very shocked expression on my pale face. He said hi, I said hi too, and I went on my way.
And I saw his mother. "Why you never say hello to my son," she asked.
Then I realised, he's my neighbour.
Recruit life has made me a little more intimidated.
I also remember another incident, where my poly classmate, Big Brother Heng, who had gone through NS, telling us about his vocation in Combat Engineers, and the great adventures. But it happens upon this conversation...
Singapore Ultimate Frisbee Opens Leagues at Marina South Park!!! Go GO GO!!! (ME)
what is your rank in the SAF ah?
| Permission To Mount The Bar -- sergeant! | (Big Brother Heng)
Lance Corporal
Singapore Ultimate Frisbee Opens Leagues at Marina South Park!!! Go GO GO!!!
| Permission To Mount The Bar -- sergeant! |
Lowest rank after private first class
Singapore Ultimate Frisbee Opens Leagues at Marina South Park!!! Go GO GO!!!
i still recruit, lower than Private...
| Permission To Mount The Bar -- sergeant! |
im cilivian. bigger than your Officer. Heh.
it's quite difficult to raise my head now... the stigma's still there... wait till I ORD....... and I become civilian...
Even the fact that I'm no longer under the control of my platoon sergeant (my secondary school mate) or another sergeant (my Secondary School/D.I.T Senior), the stigma is there.
Will I recover from this box I call the recruit life?
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Things going worse...
It's confirmed: Two of the ligaments on my right knee are torn.
Which two, you say? The one on the farthest right and the middle, which explains why my leg feels like giving way to the side or to the front when it is taking in my full body weight of 98 kg.
And guess what??
Because my doctor wants to see the severity of the tears, he will insert a camera into my knee to see the full details: whether it's completely torn, in the operating room...
Which means I will be having a good dream and not feel what is happening, while men in white take apart my knee and inspect it up close and personal...
The operation alone gives me the creeps... of not being able to wake up...
Wish me luck man...
Which two, you say? The one on the farthest right and the middle, which explains why my leg feels like giving way to the side or to the front when it is taking in my full body weight of 98 kg.
And guess what??
Because my doctor wants to see the severity of the tears, he will insert a camera into my knee to see the full details: whether it's completely torn, in the operating room...
Which means I will be having a good dream and not feel what is happening, while men in white take apart my knee and inspect it up close and personal...
The operation alone gives me the creeps... of not being able to wake up...
Wish me luck man...
No More POP....
Right now I'm at an internet kiosk(downtown east) before going for my medical appointment. so i'll blog a bit about my situation now...
it's confirmed.... I cannot pass out... routes left are OOT or fail course...
Whatever it is, I still feel okay... not depressed or sad, a bit jealous, but not angry...
Now really it's Time to stop acting fit, and let all the pain out....
complain all the crap to the medical specialist and make sure they downgrade me or something...
and do what the army is best at: Chao Keng.
see you this saturday? i hope...
it's confirmed.... I cannot pass out... routes left are OOT or fail course...
Whatever it is, I still feel okay... not depressed or sad, a bit jealous, but not angry...
Now really it's Time to stop acting fit, and let all the pain out....
complain all the crap to the medical specialist and make sure they downgrade me or something...
and do what the army is best at: Chao Keng.
see you this saturday? i hope...
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Ziting - Possibly Fail Course Due To Medical Status
Well, just when things were going fine... Murphy's Law has to come in and create a whole ruckus...
I had hoped to sit through the BMT phase despite the totaled amount of excused durations (10 weeks), and I knew that the chance of passing out is very slim due to that.
Once again, it shattered my confidence again... Hadn't been able to lift my head up for quite a while..
"The good news is that you won't be Out-Of-Training, but now you might be liable for failing your course of BMT...."
The thought of this still spins in my head until now...
And just when I'm starting to feel better again, I felt something stabbing against my heart. I thought I placed complete trust in someone, trying to help out whenever possible.
But on asking a stupid question, that was asked and answered by my superior, and getting screwed because of it was pretty bad.
It was okay when my whole platoon echoed out the jeers for asking the question AGAIN.
What got me is that my buddy had to rub it in, adding salt to my wounds...
It still hurts, although not as bad as three days ago... and I don't even know they were pulling my leg...
I just don't think so.....
until next time...
I had hoped to sit through the BMT phase despite the totaled amount of excused durations (10 weeks), and I knew that the chance of passing out is very slim due to that.
Once again, it shattered my confidence again... Hadn't been able to lift my head up for quite a while..
"The good news is that you won't be Out-Of-Training, but now you might be liable for failing your course of BMT...."
The thought of this still spins in my head until now...
And just when I'm starting to feel better again, I felt something stabbing against my heart. I thought I placed complete trust in someone, trying to help out whenever possible.
But on asking a stupid question, that was asked and answered by my superior, and getting screwed because of it was pretty bad.
It was okay when my whole platoon echoed out the jeers for asking the question AGAIN.
What got me is that my buddy had to rub it in, adding salt to my wounds...
It still hurts, although not as bad as three days ago... and I don't even know they were pulling my leg...
I just don't think so.....
until next time...
Sunday, November 07, 2004
4 more weeks to POP!
more about the chalet...
Well, the chalet wasn't that nice... but then again, it's the first chalet my family rented...
My sis got her friends which amounts to 3 or 5... My brother and I didn't bring any friends though...

My bro and my mom
The two main chefs having a hard time satisfying my sis's friends and my 5 "imaginary friends"...
Sorry Matthew and Jimmy, but when I reached the chalet, it was raining and the food was getting cold under the aircon.....
my sis and her friends
there ya go... my sis' friends....

my sis and her friends and metrosexual friend
and the colorful shirt is really making me think that he's going gay after all these years....

i don't know why but i like this pic... haha...
plz dun laugh... /me says,"WAHHAHAHA!!!"
interesting pic.... (read: my sis)
and don't think dirty after this... but then again... it's freedom to the blog readers....

apparently this pic serves as a good description of the banter there... sis bares her teeth all the time
guess my sis's age
woo.... big fish eyes....
and she blows the candles away.....
Her friends left after a while, but not without leaving.....

Fable snap shot
Fable! my siblings were completely hooked to it.... Guess this will be their next birthday wish..... along with the XBox of course.
And WOW.... DownTown East Chalets have XBoxes!! My friends knew it long ago, but I realised only now....

trying a prank on my bro... I look mighty evil here...
and a pathetic attempt to help my brother to study for his O levels withers...
and did you realise I actually washed clothes at the chalet?
Uh oh... BIG WHOOPS....

another shitty pic... I look real asian with silt eyes
She got a few presents, which I really think is very very useless.....
Here is prezzie number 1...
useless prez #1
can you belive it??!! IT's FUCKING POKEMON!
and some...

useless prez #1
action figures!!! what a waste of money!
My sis got her friends which amounts to 3 or 5... My brother and I didn't bring any friends though...

My bro and my mom

The two main chefs having a hard time satisfying my sis's friends and my 5 "imaginary friends"...
Sorry Matthew and Jimmy, but when I reached the chalet, it was raining and the food was getting cold under the aircon.....

my sis and her friends

there ya go... my sis' friends....

my sis and her friends and metrosexual friend

and the colorful shirt is really making me think that he's going gay after all these years....

i don't know why but i like this pic... haha...

plz dun laugh... /me says,"WAHHAHAHA!!!"

interesting pic.... (read: my sis)

and don't think dirty after this... but then again... it's freedom to the blog readers....

apparently this pic serves as a good description of the banter there... sis bares her teeth all the time

guess my sis's age

woo.... big fish eyes....

and she blows the candles away.....
Her friends left after a while, but not without leaving.....

Fable snap shot

Fable! my siblings were completely hooked to it.... Guess this will be their next birthday wish..... along with the XBox of course.
And WOW.... DownTown East Chalets have XBoxes!! My friends knew it long ago, but I realised only now....

trying a prank on my bro... I look mighty evil here...

and a pathetic attempt to help my brother to study for his O levels withers...
and did you realise I actually washed clothes at the chalet?
Uh oh... BIG WHOOPS....

another shitty pic... I look real asian with silt eyes

She got a few presents, which I really think is very very useless.....
Here is prezzie number 1...

useless prez #1

can you belive it??!! IT's FUCKING POKEMON!
and some...

useless prez #1

action figures!!! what a waste of money!
Sunday, October 24, 2004
At chalet now....
Yesterday was my sister's birthday, and being his brother I attended it lor. Thought I might be able to rest a bit a home before going out but what the hell...hahha
Upon reaching DownTown East, I met, horrors!! my judo khaki! to enlighten you a bit, he went for Obese NS earlier on, and we started comparing differences in the treatment... Apparently, my time is much better... Kudos to my superiors!!!
I also met a few of my juniors, that I took during my OGL days... only left five people.... Talked a bit... great chatting with them, good to meet up these funky pals too... heh heh...
Well, having a chalet for two days was great... unless you have good parents restraining you....
And Being so near to Wild Wild Wet, I had wanted to go man!!! but Damn the weather!....
And the fact that I am typing this entry from a internet kiosk on a lousy kiosk, that's all folks!!!
Gonna throw my one and only grenade this week! BOOM!
P.S.: I can chiong liao! Now I just need the green light from my superior officer! YAHOO!!!!
P.P.S: Did I mention my sister has a blog? check out her link at here lor!
Upon reaching DownTown East, I met, horrors!! my judo khaki! to enlighten you a bit, he went for Obese NS earlier on, and we started comparing differences in the treatment... Apparently, my time is much better... Kudos to my superiors!!!
I also met a few of my juniors, that I took during my OGL days... only left five people.... Talked a bit... great chatting with them, good to meet up these funky pals too... heh heh...
Well, having a chalet for two days was great... unless you have good parents restraining you....
And Being so near to Wild Wild Wet, I had wanted to go man!!! but Damn the weather!....
And the fact that I am typing this entry from a internet kiosk on a lousy kiosk, that's all folks!!!
Gonna throw my one and only grenade this week! BOOM!
P.S.: I can chiong liao! Now I just need the green light from my superior officer! YAHOO!!!!
P.P.S: Did I mention my sister has a blog? check out her link at here lor!
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Hit some new interesting blogs... and links
Thanks to Qiu Yi for posting this up in friendster... Had a great laugh lapping this up. I suppose CS fanatics should find this familiar?
The author also did some other interesting clips. Besides the De_Dust clip, the De_Aztec clip is a nice one too. Watch it!
Also hit some blogs of my superiors, which means more things to read on the net....
The author also did some other interesting clips. Besides the De_Dust clip, the De_Aztec clip is a nice one too. Watch it!
Also hit some blogs of my superiors, which means more things to read on the net....
I may not OOT after all!!! Really elated after hearing this, but still have to hope...
Maybe I should stop being a free thinker and have faith in someone?
Then again, should I chiong despite holding orders from my Medical Officer?
The second part of the field camp just passed by and a very tiring one indeed...
We had our various drills practices for outfield.
On the way back, we were caught by a series of situations that required a series of drills.
Totally stunned.
The holy shit can of whoop ass
Right Thunderflash: "Bang!"
Platoon : "Enemy contacted right!"
Sergeant: "Kim Hui is I/C! Carry on!"
Kim Hui carries out his commands for his fire movement to the right... Suddenly,
Left Thunderflash: "Bang!"
Platoon (Thinking): "Contacted Left! But how?"
A long silence begins....
Sergeant: "A sniper! One casualty down! Another! And Another!"
Platoon (Thinking): "Holy shit..."
And they carried out the sniper drill... But suddely we were bombarded with...
Sergeant: "Artillery Incoming!"
The platoon falls flat on the ground. The casualty who were carried went bang on the ground...
And when the Artillery status was lifted, most of us, ran uphill over a distance of 100 metres...
Sheer hell, especially those carrying the casualties...
My buddy, who volunteered his pouncho for a makeshift stretcher, was heart broken when he realised his pouncho hood was ripped off...
Aw man...
In other news....
I actually misfired. Thought I cleared my rifle, and with my magazine on the ground, I squeezed the trigger.
And that's one more guard duty for me...
And finally.... the photos! courtesy of Han's Superb Camera Phone, and my flim Camera!
My Section and my Section Commander
This looks cool in my opinion. Too bad it was blurred at the sides...
the original
I actually used the face as my avatar in my blogger profile. As you can see, Beneath the smile lies something else...
My Section, Frankenstein and my Platoon Sergeant...
Not much explanation is needed for this one... haha...
me blowing matthew
We did a few cock photos, and out of all 36, I guess these two look the most cocked up... hahah
cock unsatisfaction
And poor Matthew gets bush whacked....
Till next week!
Maybe I should stop being a free thinker and have faith in someone?
Then again, should I chiong despite holding orders from my Medical Officer?
The second part of the field camp just passed by and a very tiring one indeed...
We had our various drills practices for outfield.
On the way back, we were caught by a series of situations that required a series of drills.
Totally stunned.
The holy shit can of whoop ass
Right Thunderflash: "Bang!"
Platoon : "Enemy contacted right!"
Sergeant: "Kim Hui is I/C! Carry on!"
Kim Hui carries out his commands for his fire movement to the right... Suddenly,
Left Thunderflash: "Bang!"
Platoon (Thinking): "Contacted Left! But how?"
A long silence begins....
Sergeant: "A sniper! One casualty down! Another! And Another!"
Platoon (Thinking): "Holy shit..."
And they carried out the sniper drill... But suddely we were bombarded with...
Sergeant: "Artillery Incoming!"
The platoon falls flat on the ground. The casualty who were carried went bang on the ground...
And when the Artillery status was lifted, most of us, ran uphill over a distance of 100 metres...
Sheer hell, especially those carrying the casualties...
My buddy, who volunteered his pouncho for a makeshift stretcher, was heart broken when he realised his pouncho hood was ripped off...
Aw man...
In other news....
I actually misfired. Thought I cleared my rifle, and with my magazine on the ground, I squeezed the trigger.
And that's one more guard duty for me...
And finally.... the photos! courtesy of Han's Superb Camera Phone, and my flim Camera!

My Section and my Section Commander

This looks cool in my opinion. Too bad it was blurred at the sides...
the original

I actually used the face as my avatar in my blogger profile. As you can see, Beneath the smile lies something else...
My Section, Frankenstein and my Platoon Sergeant...

Not much explanation is needed for this one... haha...

me blowing matthew

We did a few cock photos, and out of all 36, I guess these two look the most cocked up... hahah

cock unsatisfaction

And poor Matthew gets bush whacked....
Till next week!
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Out Of Training -To-Be
I dunno....
I am excused from Lower Limb activities until 25/11/04.
Assuming that my superiors say that I will miss out on all trainings due my current status, I might not fufil 75% attendence at BMT.
Which kind of points to a OOT or Recourse...
I dunno man... I'm pretty stressed out by flying rumours that after my Obese Batch, it will be a 26 week course instead of my current 16 weeks...
Very demoralising...
Just why would the Medical Officer excuse me for such a long time, when he knows that I am more than halfway through my recruit training?
I really wish I could throw my jockey cap up after these 16 weeks, share my joy with 50 fellows (more or less...)
Aw man....
In other news, I just went for a field camp! Can't Blah blah because I'm about to go off but what the hell... One of my friends just wrote a good profile of the camp...
One of my platoonmates just took a VERY COOL Photo of my section, and a COCK-UP photo which would look great in my Friendster Profile... heh heh....
Just hope he doesn't delete it.... :)
And finally.... a photo of my sister!!!

My sister in full glory...
Guess that satisfies at least one of my blogders who can't wait to see it, when I posted it earlier on....
I am excused from Lower Limb activities until 25/11/04.
Assuming that my superiors say that I will miss out on all trainings due my current status, I might not fufil 75% attendence at BMT.
Which kind of points to a OOT or Recourse...
I dunno man... I'm pretty stressed out by flying rumours that after my Obese Batch, it will be a 26 week course instead of my current 16 weeks...
Very demoralising...
Just why would the Medical Officer excuse me for such a long time, when he knows that I am more than halfway through my recruit training?
I really wish I could throw my jockey cap up after these 16 weeks, share my joy with 50 fellows (more or less...)
Aw man....
In other news, I just went for a field camp! Can't Blah blah because I'm about to go off but what the hell... One of my friends just wrote a good profile of the camp...
One of my platoonmates just took a VERY COOL Photo of my section, and a COCK-UP photo which would look great in my Friendster Profile... heh heh....
Just hope he doesn't delete it.... :)
And finally.... a photo of my sister!!!

My sister in full glory...

Guess that satisfies at least one of my blogders who can't wait to see it, when I posted it earlier on....
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