Saturday, December 11, 2004

And the posting arrives.

SAF BMTC ePosting Order


Comd SAF BMTC congratulates you for your successful completion of the BMT.

Your Posting Order is listed below:

1. You are posted to HQ ARMOUR.
2. Your vocation is DRIVER.
3. Your are to report to: Sungei Gedong Camp, BLK 252, RM #02-21.

Reporting Date/Time: 13/12/2004 at 0800 hrs.

Person to report to: Chief Clerk

Contact Number: 66686237

You are required to report in smart no.4 uniform (PES E recruits to be in No 3 uniform), except for those assigned to Police Force.
4. Special Instruction:

You are not required to bring along the SAF issued items given during BMT, except for PT Kit. Check with your unit whether you are required to stay in.

I guess, I got my wish of being a driver, getting a free license, and if not, good and free, needed experience in manoeuvring a vehicle.

Just hope I won't kanna Dentention Barracks as easily as they say...


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