Thursday, December 09, 2004

What drives you?

I have been a real hunchback, looking at the ground for quite a while. Not able to play my favourite sport, uncertain of my future... all that crap.

Had a meeting with the Disc Knights at Subway. Key players are troubled by NS commitments, and passions aflame, and other stuff. Plans under discussion, plans under way.

That's not the main thing I am thinking to myself. It seems that after a few months of inactivity, I have been thinking to myself, how weird I felt when I return to watch a game of pick up during the Deepavali week, only tossing disc around, unable to run due to doctor's advice, unable to play Ultimate.

Then came Hari Raya Puasa, the Sunday, where the guys and gals were having their League. Keeks came up to me (or the other way round, i forgot), to hand me the fees from teaching the primary kids during the one day event at Marina, and teaching Tajong Katong ladies during the weeks before I enlisted in Aug.

It just felt... so strange. Maybe Keeks has this stern face which is freaking me out, but I really dunno. Maybe it's the whole "you guys can play, i can't play but watch" atmosphere.

Then the passion for Ultimate. I guess I have been playing Ultimate for quite a while, and still enjoying it, but how committed am I?

Am I the kind of guy who comes for team trainings, or the one for leisurely pickups?

I'm someone who is up for anything. The feeling of being in Disc Knights, from its inception, its development, injecting of new blood, promoting of the sport through Beach Pickups every saturday in Sentosa, winning league games, losing league games (touch wood) cannot be described in words alone.

But I do have other commitments. I love my family, and it's always good to attend a family dinner on the only feasible Saturday evening (Only less than two days to spend life as civilian sia). Love is another thing. I guess Ultimate is next.

And my friend asked me, "What drives you?"

I still can't find the answer to that. All I know is that I'll play Ultimate, no matter what, as long I'm with a loving family, and a loving partner.


P.S.: Very mushy sia... yuck...

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