Got poked a bit before by Peter for mass-organising meetups...
Normally, people ask out people within their own circle of friends to go out...
Me? haha.... I practically SMS everyone I know in my address book, and that's how I fufill my underused SMSes for that very month.
Ranging from old neighbours, to poly school mates, poly classmates, to camp mates, to frisbee kakis, and to bmt recourse mates and bmt course mates, I'm sure you can imagine the number of people I sent invitations to....
And the length of the SMS? 260 characters... almost like an open letter to everyone.
"hello clarence Zeng Ziting here. thinking of lan party next sat to celebrate birthday. most likely CS and DOTA. Going or not, pls reply and suggest other possible games we can play. details to come."
Something like that lah...
Among which are the answers...
From a BMT section mate:
"Sorry I overseas"
From a BMT recourse section mate:
"Sorry I cannot make it"
From a BMT buddy: No reply.
From a BMT recourse buddy: No reply.
From my poly school mate:
"Ok, I can go. CS is good for me."
From a lot of poly mates currently serving NS:
"sorry la I got NDP rehearsal"
From one of my poly classmates:
"I got ndp you ass"
I narrowed down the numbers to 14 from there... and got a bit of change at the last minute... one person say cannot go also never say.... liewz.
1) Me
4) Weichang

i) losing to him in WWF Wrestlemania Arcade on Sega Megadrive all the time,
ii) the yearly birthday bashes he holds at his house,
iii) or the times why I often challenge his brother to Starcraft over the modem one to one, overwhelming him in the beginning, only to lose to his carriers in the end?
iv) swimming at B. Batok Pool showing off his aero propeller?
Haha... Good Old times....
5) Hwei Yong the great sniper
6) Peter

It's been a while since I've saw Hwei Yong... They say he's looking great, which is true! ... What, whoever says otherwise wants to get hoot ah? And he's a top fragger in CS.
Same Old Same Old CS El33t .
7) Jason
8) Marcus

9) Alvin

Zaft no Tameni!
10) Qiyou "CS is good for me" Ng
11) Wee Hiong
12) Yeo "I kick ass in CS" TH
13) Tan Ah Kow
14) CH Lim
We started off a game of CS, which was great fun. It's a long time since I've played such a classic game in a while...
Starting with the classic de_dust, good old natured chiong sua fun....
Then on to cs_assault, another popular, but unliked for cowardly hiding of terrorists...
Then to de_dust2... and to de_prodigy, another unliked...
Then to as_oilrig, the assasination map I thought would be nice, but not by the others, and de_aztec and cs_italy.
Oh yeah, Qiyou "CS is good for me" Ng took off midway to play Winning Eleven because it got too dizzy...
Still, CS is good old fun before playing a tired game of DOTA.
I do play this game, but I don't get it.... Where's the fun in taking the control of only one hero, and along with the flow of periodically spawned underlings to enemy territory, taken down enemy buildings and heroes?
Ugh... Please give me a good game of Warcraft III or Starcraft plz.....
And a long game of Battlefield 2... I think that was what killed me off....

I was quite surprised that after the LAN Party, Daniel Nicholas actually took the time down to find me, to catch up with old times. All the way from Singapore Expo loh!
Wah lau... how can I say no to a game of pool to him?
And on the way... we met.. Lo Min Ming. Gah..... forgot to ask him where the hell is he now? Residing as a white horse now perhaps? *cough cough...*
Oh yeah, Wee Hiong decided to tag along, and regretted not bringing his wrist support along...

Ai yoh.... it's just a game of fun.... no need to be so serious bah?
It sure was a great Saturday...
Oh yeah.... Daniel finally sent me the photo from that first visit to The Cathay on Hong Wei's birthday celebration...

Hello Gen... upload your photo leh....