Sunday, July 31, 2005


I just got a whole bunch of POVs recently, and before I knew it... I've realised I... changed.

These changes are so great and abrupt, at least to me, that I got real shock, and as usual, I'm starting feel like I'm a shadow of myself...

I remember about the fuss I made a week ago, about my birthday. Now, last Thursday, I went for my ex-section mate's birthday, and the quote "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" hits me right in the head...

Being the only one and only person (my section mate's all dunno go where) there, the things I did was just... talking with his dad about army life, and my friend about my life and his life, and a bit of mingling with his friends.

The last twenty years, I've been trying to live my life as it is, free. It's like walking in a lush green field, without any shackles, without any worries.

Now I feel like I'm walking on a tightrope with dumbbells around my feet, and any wrong movement will result in a freefall down to oblivion.

Is it because of what I did in the past that causes me to be what I am today?

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