Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Anything can happen
After finding out that there are a few grizzlys in my camp, and similiar, seasoned ones at that, I guess I'll be putting some posts down before I get sued... haha...
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Truth and Facts....
Yes it's true.... nobody knows about me that much... throughout my life, I talk to people, and they start to assume after a few conversations here and there... that's when my life becomes a story of incomplete truth and facts... But I realise that life has become some kind of a shithole, where I don't commit fully to stuff, and sometimes I regret that...
I shall be posting something about my past 21 years... Not now... maybe when I'm free, maybe when I'm really feeling open to let go of all my fear and doubts...
The truth has to come out somehow...
I shall be posting something about my past 21 years... Not now... maybe when I'm free, maybe when I'm really feeling open to let go of all my fear and doubts...
The truth has to come out somehow...
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Best Friends
I was at Ananthi's birthday party last Sunday, and I've got to say that, WOW... it's the most grand 21st Birthday Party I've ever been to man!! I was looking forward to some kind of SIT Club Reunion at the same time, but with Nigel having his obligations as DO, and Sivanesan Flying Aeroplane, the table was quite empty with just Gen, Anand, Farihah and Me.....
One by one, they all left... Anand was down with a running nose, Farihah has to attend to something (should have pulled my ears to hear more...), and .... Gen and I combined tables with Jason and company.... and after a while, Gen had to reach home early.... leaving me a bit stunned...
Time gets really precious when you grow older? Or is it the fact that you realise it until later?
Suddenly, when I got a 22 Day MC, and finally the time gets into my hand, I read blogs, even though that I lost contact with a long long time...
Things all happened so fast, and they just passed by without my knowledge.... It's so sad.... if I was at least there to make a difference... but I can only give an ear...
I cannot completely understand my friends...
But I digress....
It gets real weird, when Farihah says that I've mellowed down / stopped talking too much... I guess it got into a habit... Yes... last time I was quite a whore at talking, and I still do... well at times... Auto-censoring starts to kick in sometimes, when I feel that the level of sensitivity gets high... either that, or I feel that whatever comes out of my mouth is nothing of interest, and even worse, annoy some people...
That's when I start to shut up....
Army talk is finally getting interesting.... there seems to be people that I can talk with, someone I can confide in... I hope.. haha! And who can forget the wonderful imitations made on the Regulars who make such a big fuss out of nothing? Or making fun of people whose NSF pay and vocation is the same, yet sits in the office and complains about his girlfriend-to-be all day? hahaha... My world can be getting really sadistic it seems....
But I digress yet again...
The whole Indian tradition of the birthday party (although my friend says that feeding of the cake to next of kins is just a affection of love, not a tradition ) was an eyeopener, and although Indians love to dance... Di (tee hee hee) can be quite SHY at the start....
Well... Ananthi made a lot of speeches (oh come on, it's her day right!) and when she came to acknowledging friends and her best friend for making the birthday venue decorations a blast, I start wondering to myself...
Do I have a best friend?
I really don't know.
From small, til now, I've had lots of friends, lots of acquaintances from having such a variety of social circles... Yet I don't have friends that I can always call, to condide in all the problems that I have, gossip about all the shit that happened, to feel happy doing things with...
But I guess that's just impossible to ask... because I think if that kind of thing happens, I'll be in a freaking relationship, and that's freaking impossible for me...
But do I have a best friend?
Maybe I do... Maybe... I don't....
One by one, they all left... Anand was down with a running nose, Farihah has to attend to something (should have pulled my ears to hear more...), and .... Gen and I combined tables with Jason and company.... and after a while, Gen had to reach home early.... leaving me a bit stunned...
Time gets really precious when you grow older? Or is it the fact that you realise it until later?
Suddenly, when I got a 22 Day MC, and finally the time gets into my hand, I read blogs, even though that I lost contact with a long long time...
Things all happened so fast, and they just passed by without my knowledge.... It's so sad.... if I was at least there to make a difference... but I can only give an ear...
I cannot completely understand my friends...
But I digress....
It gets real weird, when Farihah says that I've mellowed down / stopped talking too much... I guess it got into a habit... Yes... last time I was quite a whore at talking, and I still do... well at times... Auto-censoring starts to kick in sometimes, when I feel that the level of sensitivity gets high... either that, or I feel that whatever comes out of my mouth is nothing of interest, and even worse, annoy some people...
That's when I start to shut up....
Army talk is finally getting interesting.... there seems to be people that I can talk with, someone I can confide in... I hope.. haha! And who can forget the wonderful imitations made on the Regulars who make such a big fuss out of nothing? Or making fun of people whose NSF pay and vocation is the same, yet sits in the office and complains about his girlfriend-to-be all day? hahaha... My world can be getting really sadistic it seems....
But I digress yet again...
The whole Indian tradition of the birthday party (although my friend says that feeding of the cake to next of kins is just a affection of love, not a tradition ) was an eyeopener, and although Indians love to dance... Di (tee hee hee) can be quite SHY at the start....
Well... Ananthi made a lot of speeches (oh come on, it's her day right!) and when she came to acknowledging friends and her best friend for making the birthday venue decorations a blast, I start wondering to myself...
Do I have a best friend?
I really don't know.
From small, til now, I've had lots of friends, lots of acquaintances from having such a variety of social circles... Yet I don't have friends that I can always call, to condide in all the problems that I have, gossip about all the shit that happened, to feel happy doing things with...
But I guess that's just impossible to ask... because I think if that kind of thing happens, I'll be in a freaking relationship, and that's freaking impossible for me...
But do I have a best friend?
Maybe I do... Maybe... I don't....
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Irritance just like Danny Tong
Well..... Why the title above?
During my BMT days in Echo, my OC named as above seems to be the best person to the recruits, especially the field camps... My section commander, Sergeant Stan, disapproves though... most of the time, he will saying about how bad he can be and such...
I can't see through all of this... until I became a clerk. It got more clearer, as I got revocated back to a driver, and got some sort of a dual-vocation. With two perspectives, I realised.... my current OC is some sort of a bastard. hahah....
Just a few days ago, my Dy OC's OA PC got a problem with logging in, when my OC tried to use it. After he found out that a statement is needed to be written before I can lodge a case and fix the problem, he attempted to push all the blame to me, and make me a scapegoat out of all this. Apparently, there is bad blood between the two bigheads, and I'm in the middle of it...
Then it's nearing the end of the year, where most of the specs and regulars are clearing their leave... my OC requested for the individual schedules of leaves and offs taken from everyone during this time to prevent lacking of manpower on any of the days. Then shit happens.... It seems that his brain can't take the individual schedules into one big picture, and requested the clerks to analyse, and create a gantt chart aka timetable to get the whole picture, and he needs it by some impossible deadline... leaving the clerks busy, and forgeting about all the everyday stuff they need to do (and the punishments that follow by the other big heads)...
Sooner or later, I'll be drawing some organisation table of my company for all to see... i swear it's going to be quite interesting....
During my BMT days in Echo, my OC named as above seems to be the best person to the recruits, especially the field camps... My section commander, Sergeant Stan, disapproves though... most of the time, he will saying about how bad he can be and such...
I can't see through all of this... until I became a clerk. It got more clearer, as I got revocated back to a driver, and got some sort of a dual-vocation. With two perspectives, I realised.... my current OC is some sort of a bastard. hahah....
Just a few days ago, my Dy OC's OA PC got a problem with logging in, when my OC tried to use it. After he found out that a statement is needed to be written before I can lodge a case and fix the problem, he attempted to push all the blame to me, and make me a scapegoat out of all this. Apparently, there is bad blood between the two bigheads, and I'm in the middle of it...
Then it's nearing the end of the year, where most of the specs and regulars are clearing their leave... my OC requested for the individual schedules of leaves and offs taken from everyone during this time to prevent lacking of manpower on any of the days. Then shit happens.... It seems that his brain can't take the individual schedules into one big picture, and requested the clerks to analyse, and create a gantt chart aka timetable to get the whole picture, and he needs it by some impossible deadline... leaving the clerks busy, and forgeting about all the everyday stuff they need to do (and the punishments that follow by the other big heads)...
Sooner or later, I'll be drawing some organisation table of my company for all to see... i swear it's going to be quite interesting....
Friday, December 02, 2005
Sing Ultys' AGM is on tomorrow....
I'm thinking about giving it a miss....
I was thinking how Andy Goh tasked me the job of finding the helpers for the Opens 05, and getting them to go for the AGM, and get some form of recognition.
Oh why didn't I get the contact numbers from them during those two days??? In the end, I just sorted out the mailing list that Steiner sent me, sent out an email asking for contacts and hoped that somehow, the email didn't end up as spam in someone's mailbox.
I think it did. Cos' there's no reply. At all..
I just think that I let Andy down in this...
There's no point in going to the AGM to get recognised for helping out at the Opens' 05 when the only person to get the credit is just me. Not the Regenites who helped out and lightened up the helper's mood there. Not Bruce, Calvin, Eline who willingly took care of shit and rubbish after everyone went off...
Helping out at the Singapore Opens was nothing big for me... I just wanted to watch the tournament, and at the same time, help out, because I know that the manpower issue is really bad, and come on, I have hands, and I'll be walking around, so why not?
But I think this wasn't the only reason why I'm going AGM AWOL.
It all started with a disc.
A small ordinary disc that Stephen bought, and played at the Sentosa Beach.
Anand got captivated by it, and so did Andre (i didn't know him then...). I got dragged in, and I got really hooked onto the Sport of Ultimate Frisbee.
Rules then were pretty much grey, but it was fun. I sort of became a fanatic...
I got most of the friends I know in Poly, near and far, my classmates, to give the game a try.
Most of the time, they did, and it was damn fun, playing with so many people, so carefree.
Then Weiliang got interested too. As did Gen, Nigel, Derek, Wenyao.
Weiliang thought about how it will be a good way to keep in contact as an SIT Club Alumni after we graduate, and such.
Then finally Stephen bought a true green 175g Frisbee from SG Ultimate, and how shiok it was: the hovering of the Frisbee was perfect, and all of us spent the nights chasing after it on the artificial grass of the NYP hockey pitch.
Once, we sat down to discuss about giving a name to our team... The lame me suggested Lord of the Discs... which sounded pretty stupid... Andre came up with "Disc Knights".. So DK was officially born.
Things got corrected... Rules got changed a bit... A point won meant that the scoring team gets to stay in the zone, and the other has to run to the other end and such....
Some bad things do happen though, and I feel most of it just started from me... There's this incident with Gen that made me wake up to my idea when I found out that words can actually hurt...
Then there's this fated jump that made me sprain my right knee, tearing my ACL along with it. I can still remember Jeff saying "great catch" even though I was grimacing in pain...
And there is this personality shock... There are people sometimes in Ultimate that clashes with me at most times (I call it the "ba1 zhi4 bu2 tong1" syndrome).
John was a great friendly guy, as was David and the others in 7-UP, when we took part in the Summer League '04. But I stayed back on the lines during the last few games, because of the ACL injury.
I sucked in the League Party too... apparently I got drunk and my heart was beating so fast, that eventually, when the people were announcing me for the Spirits Award, I was lying on the second floor sleeping like log, opening my eyes at times to see Andrew looking down at me with a bewildered look...
Then came the Opens 04. The ACL tear is still there, and I was there supporting DK. Even though I was there with them, I can't feel like my soul has a placing in the team anymore... there are so many people that I didn't know and interacted with.
Opens 05 arrives with an blink of an eye, and as I was helping out on the fields, I see DK playing on the field, with even more people I've never seen before.... I felt... more alienated than before.
The alienation still exists... even now.
I really love playing Ultimate Frisbee... but it's a while I've really this strong feeling, that I should just get on with my life...
I guess I'm just talking rubbish... probably nobody cares at all, and even if people do, they might just say, "Clarence, you are not thinking properly..." and such...
But this is what I really feel now...
And it might just be another reason why I'm going AGM AWOL....
I'm thinking about giving it a miss....
I was thinking how Andy Goh tasked me the job of finding the helpers for the Opens 05, and getting them to go for the AGM, and get some form of recognition.
Oh why didn't I get the contact numbers from them during those two days??? In the end, I just sorted out the mailing list that Steiner sent me, sent out an email asking for contacts and hoped that somehow, the email didn't end up as spam in someone's mailbox.
I think it did. Cos' there's no reply. At all..
I just think that I let Andy down in this...
There's no point in going to the AGM to get recognised for helping out at the Opens' 05 when the only person to get the credit is just me. Not the Regenites who helped out and lightened up the helper's mood there. Not Bruce, Calvin, Eline who willingly took care of shit and rubbish after everyone went off...
Helping out at the Singapore Opens was nothing big for me... I just wanted to watch the tournament, and at the same time, help out, because I know that the manpower issue is really bad, and come on, I have hands, and I'll be walking around, so why not?
But I think this wasn't the only reason why I'm going AGM AWOL.
It all started with a disc.
A small ordinary disc that Stephen bought, and played at the Sentosa Beach.
Anand got captivated by it, and so did Andre (i didn't know him then...). I got dragged in, and I got really hooked onto the Sport of Ultimate Frisbee.
Rules then were pretty much grey, but it was fun. I sort of became a fanatic...
I got most of the friends I know in Poly, near and far, my classmates, to give the game a try.
Most of the time, they did, and it was damn fun, playing with so many people, so carefree.
Then Weiliang got interested too. As did Gen, Nigel, Derek, Wenyao.
Weiliang thought about how it will be a good way to keep in contact as an SIT Club Alumni after we graduate, and such.
Then finally Stephen bought a true green 175g Frisbee from SG Ultimate, and how shiok it was: the hovering of the Frisbee was perfect, and all of us spent the nights chasing after it on the artificial grass of the NYP hockey pitch.
Once, we sat down to discuss about giving a name to our team... The lame me suggested Lord of the Discs... which sounded pretty stupid... Andre came up with "Disc Knights".. So DK was officially born.
Things got corrected... Rules got changed a bit... A point won meant that the scoring team gets to stay in the zone, and the other has to run to the other end and such....
Some bad things do happen though, and I feel most of it just started from me... There's this incident with Gen that made me wake up to my idea when I found out that words can actually hurt...
Then there's this fated jump that made me sprain my right knee, tearing my ACL along with it. I can still remember Jeff saying "great catch" even though I was grimacing in pain...
And there is this personality shock... There are people sometimes in Ultimate that clashes with me at most times (I call it the "ba1 zhi4 bu2 tong1" syndrome).
John was a great friendly guy, as was David and the others in 7-UP, when we took part in the Summer League '04. But I stayed back on the lines during the last few games, because of the ACL injury.
I sucked in the League Party too... apparently I got drunk and my heart was beating so fast, that eventually, when the people were announcing me for the Spirits Award, I was lying on the second floor sleeping like log, opening my eyes at times to see Andrew looking down at me with a bewildered look...
Then came the Opens 04. The ACL tear is still there, and I was there supporting DK. Even though I was there with them, I can't feel like my soul has a placing in the team anymore... there are so many people that I didn't know and interacted with.
Opens 05 arrives with an blink of an eye, and as I was helping out on the fields, I see DK playing on the field, with even more people I've never seen before.... I felt... more alienated than before.
The alienation still exists... even now.
I really love playing Ultimate Frisbee... but it's a while I've really this strong feeling, that I should just get on with my life...
I guess I'm just talking rubbish... probably nobody cares at all, and even if people do, they might just say, "Clarence, you are not thinking properly..." and such...
But this is what I really feel now...
And it might just be another reason why I'm going AGM AWOL....
Saturday, November 26, 2005
I've lost it.
People (ok, at least one) have been asking me to update my life here, but suddenly, as a driver, I got really busy all the time.
I could update in the week with the I-Net PC in camp, but with some storeman trying to earn money by web-surfing the whole day for nothing, and Indian Groupies still trying to surf Indian Porn despite strict censorship by the servers whenever opportunity arises, I really doubt about blogging in the working days.
Then in the weekend... I'd say I got hooked onto some PS2 Mecha Game that got me glued to the TV screen rather than the monitor. Other than that, I'll be roaming around the city with my camp mates (Come on, there are good people in camp after all), hanging out in Sentosa with Marcus Goh and Company (ZAFT no ta-me-ni~!), or catching a movie with Peter and Friends.
Speaking of which, thanks for the Sports Gift Voucher, Peter, Weiliang, Nigel, Gen, Wenyao, Qianhui, Derek, Rumei, and whoever contributed to the birthday present... I know it's a little belated, but it's the thought that counts, right? ;-)
Speaking of motivation... it kind of goes back to Ultimate... and what Andre and Anand could be right.... my mind is in a puddle right now, but indefinitely, I'm not going for the Winter League.... Summer League perhaps?
That's about it.... 5800 km to my Civilian License loh~
PS: What the.... now this is overkill.... blog spam finally hits my door...
People (ok, at least one) have been asking me to update my life here, but suddenly, as a driver, I got really busy all the time.
I could update in the week with the I-Net PC in camp, but with some storeman trying to earn money by web-surfing the whole day for nothing, and Indian Groupies still trying to surf Indian Porn despite strict censorship by the servers whenever opportunity arises, I really doubt about blogging in the working days.
Then in the weekend... I'd say I got hooked onto some PS2 Mecha Game that got me glued to the TV screen rather than the monitor. Other than that, I'll be roaming around the city with my camp mates (Come on, there are good people in camp after all), hanging out in Sentosa with Marcus Goh and Company (ZAFT no ta-me-ni~!), or catching a movie with Peter and Friends.
Speaking of which, thanks for the Sports Gift Voucher, Peter, Weiliang, Nigel, Gen, Wenyao, Qianhui, Derek, Rumei, and whoever contributed to the birthday present... I know it's a little belated, but it's the thought that counts, right? ;-)
Speaking of motivation... it kind of goes back to Ultimate... and what Andre and Anand could be right.... my mind is in a puddle right now, but indefinitely, I'm not going for the Winter League.... Summer League perhaps?
That's about it.... 5800 km to my Civilian License loh~
PS: What the.... now this is overkill.... blog spam finally hits my door...
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
I feel like I can't really trust anyone in my company anymore... not even the echo platoon mate who came in together with me during the posting as a driver (and he became a clerk)...
I actually like divulging crap with him, but since a terrible incident, I'm literally drawing a circle, an invisible barrier that cannot be seen.
Everything in camp seems so fake now... My immediate superior is trying to squeeze my IT skills out of me, my other busybody superiors will always come by and heap a load of bull on me, and my company mates are going on a battle royale of backstabbing galore...
Suddenly, everything seems to be so fake...
In other new, I haven't got the time to look into my Singapore Ultimate Frisbee Opens goodie bag until last weekend, and boy was I in for a suprise!
A little glove for an index finger that allows you to brush your teeth!
New Milo inventions!
Chicken Essence in pills??
This year's disc and shirt were also in the goodie bag too, but since my other 3 helpers (Bruce, Calvin, Eline) didn't really get the disc and shirt, and they were whining about it, and after an embarassing moment with the organiser to ask for the disc and shirt, I guess really loved to have it. Even the Regenites that helped on the first day morning, didn't go until they got a disc man... Guess it's the main attraction in helping out
Photos are on the way man... they look damn interesting....
I actually like divulging crap with him, but since a terrible incident, I'm literally drawing a circle, an invisible barrier that cannot be seen.
Everything in camp seems so fake now... My immediate superior is trying to squeeze my IT skills out of me, my other busybody superiors will always come by and heap a load of bull on me, and my company mates are going on a battle royale of backstabbing galore...
Suddenly, everything seems to be so fake...
In other new, I haven't got the time to look into my Singapore Ultimate Frisbee Opens goodie bag until last weekend, and boy was I in for a suprise!
A little glove for an index finger that allows you to brush your teeth!
New Milo inventions!
Chicken Essence in pills??
This year's disc and shirt were also in the goodie bag too, but since my other 3 helpers (Bruce, Calvin, Eline) didn't really get the disc and shirt, and they were whining about it, and after an embarassing moment with the organiser to ask for the disc and shirt, I guess really loved to have it. Even the Regenites that helped on the first day morning, didn't go until they got a disc man... Guess it's the main attraction in helping out
Photos are on the way man... they look damn interesting....
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Singapore Ultimate Opens!!!
Holy shit, the opens is here!!! this weekend!!!! freaking fast!!!!!!
Catch It HERE!
THE TRAILER IS SO SWEET!!! All those flicks, and layouts!!!! Woot like it!
It's held on this Saturday and Sunday, 8am onwards for the whole day at West Coast Park, Singapore!
And why does the Powerboat have to clash with the Opens!!! gah, now my friends don't know which one to choose!!!
Catch It HERE!
THE TRAILER IS SO SWEET!!! All those flicks, and layouts!!!! Woot like it!
It's held on this Saturday and Sunday, 8am onwards for the whole day at West Coast Park, Singapore!
And why does the Powerboat have to clash with the Opens!!! gah, now my friends don't know which one to choose!!!
punked? no?
I called Clarence 40 minutes ago.
He just woke up.
He's in Johor Baru.
He says he can reach Changi in an hour.
I just got the feeling I got punked'.
Maybe? maybe not....
He just woke up.
He's in Johor Baru.
He says he can reach Changi in an hour.
I just got the feeling I got punked'.
Maybe? maybe not....
From pissed to misunderstood to frustrated...
Sometime I wonder why i could not read something twice... and try to understand the message of what the other person is trying to say....
Firstly, I got pissed. Thankfully I did a good deal of thinking over, and realised it's just a misunderstanding on my part.... but what's done cannot be undone, and that left me in a state of frustration.
I also realised that expressing appreciation to someone who actually responds to you really makes a difference. Then again, I'm getting a little dull about this, and I'm too lazy to know whether it's a misunderstanding or not... it's... just too much of a chore...
Anyways, from staying at home, I got out for orchard at 8pm when I got a message earlier on they were meeting at orchard at 6pm, reached there at 9pm, got stumped (and insert various emotions) when the others were not at orchard but at sixth avenue with Andre. got on a bus to holland V (which is near there) but got a call from peter that they are leaving already, so I sat on the bus all the way to clementi. Msg Andre "Happy Birhtday" and that was it. I was supposed to meet up later on with someone, but this "sianz" feeling of mine got me thinking the upcoming meet-up might be a prank, so I gave him a call. Twice. In vain. msged him, and finally realised I forgot to tell him my phone no was changed.
And now I'm at Changi Airport terminal 2, spending the last 2 hours roaming the two terminals, meeting up with yao guang (DMD guy, think his name is like that), and some of my echo platoon mate (the super noisy guy, and another one person from plt 4), All leaving for Thailand. now going to the viewing hall, to view planes, and doze, before seeing off Clarence Chew one last time at 4.30am before he leaves for Manchester Uni @ UK.
And after that it's the AHM, where I shall burn my wonderful sunday morning... and hope i do not burn any more weekends, as i didn't shave my beard for at least two days...
It seems like the night is a saddening one... just hope tomorrow will be better...
Firstly, I got pissed. Thankfully I did a good deal of thinking over, and realised it's just a misunderstanding on my part.... but what's done cannot be undone, and that left me in a state of frustration.
I also realised that expressing appreciation to someone who actually responds to you really makes a difference. Then again, I'm getting a little dull about this, and I'm too lazy to know whether it's a misunderstanding or not... it's... just too much of a chore...
Anyways, from staying at home, I got out for orchard at 8pm when I got a message earlier on they were meeting at orchard at 6pm, reached there at 9pm, got stumped (and insert various emotions) when the others were not at orchard but at sixth avenue with Andre. got on a bus to holland V (which is near there) but got a call from peter that they are leaving already, so I sat on the bus all the way to clementi. Msg Andre "Happy Birhtday" and that was it. I was supposed to meet up later on with someone, but this "sianz" feeling of mine got me thinking the upcoming meet-up might be a prank, so I gave him a call. Twice. In vain. msged him, and finally realised I forgot to tell him my phone no was changed.
And now I'm at Changi Airport terminal 2, spending the last 2 hours roaming the two terminals, meeting up with yao guang (DMD guy, think his name is like that), and some of my echo platoon mate (the super noisy guy, and another one person from plt 4), All leaving for Thailand. now going to the viewing hall, to view planes, and doze, before seeing off Clarence Chew one last time at 4.30am before he leaves for Manchester Uni @ UK.
And after that it's the AHM, where I shall burn my wonderful sunday morning... and hope i do not burn any more weekends, as i didn't shave my beard for at least two days...
It seems like the night is a saddening one... just hope tomorrow will be better...
Sunday, August 28, 2005
More Burnt Weekends Ahead
How can the life of a clerk become SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo sucky...
I booked out and reached home at 2pm.. sure sure, I've got duty the day before, but all the clerks at my company got confined last saturday (the next sat is guaranteed too)for three crappy reasons from my FSM (Sgt. Maj.)
1) The clerks' table was in a bloody mess of restricted docs and such
WTF, the other specialists, also had messy tables but we got aimed.
2) He thinks we are not working hard enough...
Hello, having to manage manpower issues,
make trips to HQ to settle outstanding issues,
having to do almost all the work that the WOs can do (but noooo, they just shake legs and gossip like their desks are the grapevines),
mend, or face the brunt of strained relationships between WOSEs of different companies,
getting newspapers,
doing petty jobs of Regular Specialists,
hounded by people for leave applications,
getting taichi-ed jobs of NSF Specialists...
Bastards.... How bad can just the life of an NSF PTE clerk be?
And I'm seriously disliking those people who just get the specialist ranks oh so easily... and they just think they POPed from SISPEC and act like one. Abusers of powers.
KNN shall Draw line liao.... all outside the clerks shall DIE
I booked out and reached home at 2pm.. sure sure, I've got duty the day before, but all the clerks at my company got confined last saturday (the next sat is guaranteed too)for three crappy reasons from my FSM (Sgt. Maj.)
1) The clerks' table was in a bloody mess of restricted docs and such
WTF, the other specialists, also had messy tables but we got aimed.
2) He thinks we are not working hard enough...
Hello, having to manage manpower issues,
make trips to HQ to settle outstanding issues,
having to do almost all the work that the WOs can do (but noooo, they just shake legs and gossip like their desks are the grapevines),
mend, or face the brunt of strained relationships between WOSEs of different companies,
getting newspapers,
doing petty jobs of Regular Specialists,
hounded by people for leave applications,
getting taichi-ed jobs of NSF Specialists...
Bastards.... How bad can just the life of an NSF PTE clerk be?
And I'm seriously disliking those people who just get the specialist ranks oh so easily... and they just think they POPed from SISPEC and act like one. Abusers of powers.
KNN shall Draw line liao.... all outside the clerks shall DIE
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Booked out late today... IT'S FREAKING SATURDAY OMG
Burnt weekend... no mood to blog... got quite a bit from last week but what the hell... things screwed up, and I lost the mood to write...
Alright alright.... i went to the NDP @ Padang...
EDIT: ok... just published some posts... now what's left is the presents I got on my 21st... heh heh....
Burnt weekend... no mood to blog... got quite a bit from last week but what the hell... things screwed up, and I lost the mood to write...
Alright alright.... i went to the NDP @ Padang...
EDIT: ok... just published some posts... now what's left is the presents I got on my 21st... heh heh....
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
NDP @ Padang
Freaking lucky.... Just how did I get the tickets sia~
My friend Weiming got tickets, and I got invited! But it's a pity that he can't go.... and all that's left would be my sis, TX YAP, his gf, weiling and lynn.. ah heng didn't make it as the same row as us, but the
Got into the green sector, and I must say, being at the event seriously looks and feels different! some pictures coming...

OMG the padang is so big, can play dunno how many fields of Ultimate down here man...
The padang is seriously huge... I wonder why the Ultimate Frisbee guys were driven out from playing here... maybe it's the mantainence fees..

Secondary school bands
The sec. skool bands that won in the SYF, eventually comes to perform at the NDP... an endless cycle of band performances for the nation....

Toy soldiers!!!
Toy soldiers!!! Sameer was right about this one... and btw I didn't see Sameer on the Guards Of Honour, and shout "Yo! Mama!", because I was in the other corner from where they were marching... and I can't see him...

made in SG, and some ppl are right...
Ok ok.... those people are right.... about saying my sister and I look almost the same... like some identical twin or something, but HELLO she's three years older than me....

second time snapping

made in singapore to... show off..
And see the "made in singapore" tattoo?? took up the dare after my friends were saying how great my face would look like with the tattoo on... wasted one on the way, and realised that I had to wet the cardboard on which the tattoo was placed, not the skin of my face...

I feel so narcisstic...
In the end, I got this tattoo all the way from the Padang to Camp, forgeting what I had to wash off...

my not so enthusiastic friends...
And yes, my not so enthu friends... all the way sitting down... most of the time, I feel the same as them too... the poor usher had to move away from the front and stand beside our row, encourage us to do the singapore dance (which looks stupid by the way), stand up for the arrival of the important old men, put your fist to your chest for the pledge... the pattern later on is pretty much known...
The only thing worth mentioning is that my sis did all these very happily... i must say she's the only one in our group feeling good celebrating Singapore's birthday throughout the show...

hahah at least one NSF here no need to salute... no need to wayang
More proof I'm not enthu also...

one person peng san.... poor guy from NTUC...
wahahaha one person faint ah.... ok... not funny....
The steal of the show is of course the fireworks!!! I didn't realise that the sparkling little dots are actually STARS.... but the fireworks booming above... damn shiok!
My friend Weiming got tickets, and I got invited! But it's a pity that he can't go.... and all that's left would be my sis, TX YAP, his gf, weiling and lynn.. ah heng didn't make it as the same row as us, but the
Got into the green sector, and I must say, being at the event seriously looks and feels different! some pictures coming...

OMG the padang is so big, can play dunno how many fields of Ultimate down here man...

The padang is seriously huge... I wonder why the Ultimate Frisbee guys were driven out from playing here... maybe it's the mantainence fees..

Secondary school bands

The sec. skool bands that won in the SYF, eventually comes to perform at the NDP... an endless cycle of band performances for the nation....

Toy soldiers!!!

Toy soldiers!!! Sameer was right about this one... and btw I didn't see Sameer on the Guards Of Honour, and shout "Yo! Mama!", because I was in the other corner from where they were marching... and I can't see him...

made in SG, and some ppl are right...

Ok ok.... those people are right.... about saying my sister and I look almost the same... like some identical twin or something, but HELLO she's three years older than me....

second time snapping

made in singapore to... show off..

And see the "made in singapore" tattoo?? took up the dare after my friends were saying how great my face would look like with the tattoo on... wasted one on the way, and realised that I had to wet the cardboard on which the tattoo was placed, not the skin of my face...

I feel so narcisstic...

In the end, I got this tattoo all the way from the Padang to Camp, forgeting what I had to wash off...

my not so enthusiastic friends...

And yes, my not so enthu friends... all the way sitting down... most of the time, I feel the same as them too... the poor usher had to move away from the front and stand beside our row, encourage us to do the singapore dance (which looks stupid by the way), stand up for the arrival of the important old men, put your fist to your chest for the pledge... the pattern later on is pretty much known...
The only thing worth mentioning is that my sis did all these very happily... i must say she's the only one in our group feeling good celebrating Singapore's birthday throughout the show...

hahah at least one NSF here no need to salute... no need to wayang

More proof I'm not enthu also...

one person peng san.... poor guy from NTUC...

wahahaha one person faint ah.... ok... not funny....
The steal of the show is of course the fireworks!!! I didn't realise that the sparkling little dots are actually STARS.... but the fireworks booming above... damn shiok!
Monday, August 08, 2005
My bro's birthday
It seems to be an ordinary celebration with at home.
Ok... his friends came along, and I thought it was an all guys thing, but...
HOLY SHIT two girls came along later.
Just booked out, and reached home. My younger brother was getting some friends over to my house for a steamboat/hotplate buffet. I realised this, when I found some outsiders' shoes at my doorstep. Thinking it was my youngest bro coming from my aunt's, I kept shouting out loud, "whose shoes ah, so stylo! come play game izzit??"
And here comes the shocker, when I saw his friends, playing my PC and PS2. There goes playtime... and with that, comes some real inconveniences:
1) can't really wash my clothes immediately
2) can't move around freely
3) have to shower away from the public eye
Thought it was all going good, since I could mingle quite a bit, like telling them not to hold back later at night (jokingly, birthday bashes), and sharing some tips at poly.
Until his friends, two girls, came along. Now I can't look like I'm the king of the hill, have to act considerate, because my behaviour at home is really atrocious...
And all the way into the night, I can't help but look like a stupid dork. The ladies were sitting opposite me, they look so freakingly modest when it comes to eating...

modest eaters and the glutton
And not to mention how bad I look at not drinking alcohol. His friends are going crazy on the booze, red wine, rice wine, and martells....

too much wino....
/me looks ashamed looking at my plate..
And all they talk... is Maplestory.. yes that MMORPG that looks like a real timewaster...
Conclusion: I suck when I interact with ladies...
And the killer blow of the day: My brother actually tried to help me talk around with them. And I just wasted it.
My bro: "Aye, my bro is really good at programming, and he helps me quite a lot!"
Others: "Izzit?? wow must recommend leh! my C language lousy man!"
Me: "No Lah, my brother talking cock one, my programming actually cannot make it one."
Everyone: "................." -_-;
Ok... his friends came along, and I thought it was an all guys thing, but...
HOLY SHIT two girls came along later.
Just booked out, and reached home. My younger brother was getting some friends over to my house for a steamboat/hotplate buffet. I realised this, when I found some outsiders' shoes at my doorstep. Thinking it was my youngest bro coming from my aunt's, I kept shouting out loud, "whose shoes ah, so stylo! come play game izzit??"
And here comes the shocker, when I saw his friends, playing my PC and PS2. There goes playtime... and with that, comes some real inconveniences:
1) can't really wash my clothes immediately
2) can't move around freely
3) have to shower away from the public eye
Thought it was all going good, since I could mingle quite a bit, like telling them not to hold back later at night (jokingly, birthday bashes), and sharing some tips at poly.
Until his friends, two girls, came along. Now I can't look like I'm the king of the hill, have to act considerate, because my behaviour at home is really atrocious...
And all the way into the night, I can't help but look like a stupid dork. The ladies were sitting opposite me, they look so freakingly modest when it comes to eating...

modest eaters and the glutton

And not to mention how bad I look at not drinking alcohol. His friends are going crazy on the booze, red wine, rice wine, and martells....

too much wino....

/me looks ashamed looking at my plate..
And all they talk... is Maplestory.. yes that MMORPG that looks like a real timewaster...
Conclusion: I suck when I interact with ladies...
And the killer blow of the day: My brother actually tried to help me talk around with them. And I just wasted it.
My bro: "Aye, my bro is really good at programming, and he helps me quite a lot!"
Others: "Izzit?? wow must recommend leh! my C language lousy man!"
Me: "No Lah, my brother talking cock one, my programming actually cannot make it one."
Everyone: "................." -_-;
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Ways to look stupid at bars
No offense, but if there is, give me a note...
- Enter the bar with an NTUC Plastic bag.
- Attempt to leaving staggeredly with a friend in order not to look gay
- Order a glass of fruit punch unknowingly when prodded by the bartender. (Killer Blow)
- Get drink meant for ladies or people who can't alcohol for justified reasons.
- Fail the attempt to leave the bar.
- Realize that you are short of $2++ and GST and 10% tax for the drink when the bill comes up. (Killer Blow)
- Have a friend realize you are out of $$$, and thank god that the extras from your other friends were able to cover the deficit up. (Killer Blow)
- Stay silent, get attentive, look stupid.
- Try to hear from the others across the other end of the horizontal bar table.
- You had to let your friend who saved you finanacial ass just now, to start a conversation with you.
- Leave the bar
- Enter another bar, and nearly get rejected because the bouncer seems to hate Subaru Polo Tees, and doesn't know the difference between four and five, customers or drinks.
- Get another friend to cover one more drink for you because of the *&$%& $$$ problem. (Killer Blow)
- Standing up straight like some kayu at the live band performance. (Killer Blow)
- Stay silent, get into the beat, look stupid.
- Enjoy the music like an idiot standing even though the others were like, bobbing heads, in and out to the beat of the great music played.( Killer Blow)
- Decide to have nothing to eat because you're not hungry during the break.
- Even if not hungry, realise yet again, you have no !@&#@!#& $$$ and do not wish to trouble your friends anymore.
- Try not to stare at the food your friends are eating. (And remember the punch your friend gave you in CCKS when you stared at his food after you've finished yours.)
- Look like some weirdo on edge.
- Get interested in the Oreo Cheesecake recipe the girls are talking about.
- Get back to the Live band performance, paste lazy bum on chair, and see one of the gals go out of the way to get another seat for an aqquaintance you just met.( Killer Blow)
- Leave the bar, say bye to friends, and head straight for the ATM, even though you could have done it eons ago, with a little tad inconvenience...( Killer Blow)
Live band performance
Went to Wala Wala for the first time, and got to hear a live band performance there. I had a few experiences before, like the one where Weiliang, Nigel and I went for the Sentosa Halloween Night. The music then wasn't enough to raise the crowd, even if there was crowd in the first place.
The singer was great in belting out songs, and pulling in the crowd with hits like Madonna's American Pie.
But it feels kind of weird, people were bobbing and I'm standing there, going,"Wow, freaking good music but not feeling rocking to the beat"
Then there's this birthday boy, who drank two Lamborghinis and dunno how many jugs of beers. He went on stage, and did some powerful stage performance... before vomitting and going dead drunk... Poor Guy... kind of reminds me of my plight more than a year ago...
"And the Spirit award goes to... Zeng Ziting!!!"
And all the while this was happening and my friends were having fun downstairs, I was up on the second floor, in some empty room, lying like a dead log after too much vodkas. Woke up after Big Andy saw me down there, and it's super sia suay man...
This outing got me thinking about some stuff.... which reminds me of this good old thing here....

Ichigo: Chad, where did you get the parakeet?


Chad: ...

Chad: ...a guy gave it to me.

Keigo: You were going to tell us the whole story, but you got lazy and just shortened it, didn't you?
....Some things should be worth saying, but it ain't worth proclaiming in the end.... Some things should just be kept to one's self, because words can pierce another's heart.
The singer was great in belting out songs, and pulling in the crowd with hits like Madonna's American Pie.
But it feels kind of weird, people were bobbing and I'm standing there, going,"Wow, freaking good music but not feeling rocking to the beat"
Then there's this birthday boy, who drank two Lamborghinis and dunno how many jugs of beers. He went on stage, and did some powerful stage performance... before vomitting and going dead drunk... Poor Guy... kind of reminds me of my plight more than a year ago...
"And the Spirit award goes to... Zeng Ziting!!!"
And all the while this was happening and my friends were having fun downstairs, I was up on the second floor, in some empty room, lying like a dead log after too much vodkas. Woke up after Big Andy saw me down there, and it's super sia suay man...
This outing got me thinking about some stuff.... which reminds me of this good old thing here....

Ichigo: Chad, where did you get the parakeet?


Chad: ...

Chad: ...a guy gave it to me.

Keigo: You were going to tell us the whole story, but you got lazy and just shortened it, didn't you?

....Some things should be worth saying, but it ain't worth proclaiming in the end.... Some things should just be kept to one's self, because words can pierce another's heart.
Seven Swords
Great Movie. Great Moves. Great Swords. What can I say?
Other than the fact that someone wrote in to TODAY saying that the cuts for the violence and sex scenes were not enough, being a PG movie. Of course the writer was right about insufficient cuts, but the cuts itself already made the movie BGM sound rather crappy.
Make it M18 lah...
And also the wu xia flick cliche:
After kicking some three hundred asses, and taking out three big heads, one of the heroes says," Now we've killed so much people, and saved most of the village, let's go see the rare sunset that happens everyday."
Okay, that was made up by me, but it's a long 2 and a half hour epic movie, and I think it's a little... long..
Other than the fact that someone wrote in to TODAY saying that the cuts for the violence and sex scenes were not enough, being a PG movie. Of course the writer was right about insufficient cuts, but the cuts itself already made the movie BGM sound rather crappy.
Make it M18 lah...
And also the wu xia flick cliche:
After kicking some three hundred asses, and taking out three big heads, one of the heroes says," Now we've killed so much people, and saved most of the village, let's go see the rare sunset that happens everyday."
Okay, that was made up by me, but it's a long 2 and a half hour epic movie, and I think it's a little... long..
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
No More Chao Keng
"Woo... Ahh.... Pain... Very Pain... Cannot tahan...."
All that acting came to nought when I went to the doc. Different clinic, different person. He looks young, somewhat like a fresh graduate, and all the while having the looks of some "Garang Soldier" I've seen in those famous SAF commercials...
What he says, "Alright, I suppose I can give you at most one week MC."
What he's trying to say, "KNN, NSF CHAO KENG KING, Ask for more MC, then I have to write report for this shit KNN."
Then he says, "But then again, I can't give you the MC, since it contradicts the fact that I allow you to drive. You do understand right?"
What he's trying to say now, "KNN I just got the feeling you want the best of two worlds. Nooooo Wayyy Man."
No.... starting tomorrow, I'm gonna be the personal secretary of some Warrant Officer ... I can starting imagining bad things now... And all the more things my fellow clerk/platoon mate can pile on me, seeing that I have a diploma in IT...
"Zeng, help me wash my mug"
"I'm gonna work overtime, stay back and help me"
"Don't try to play with me, don't waste my time"
"Oh we've got to finish this assignment by this weekend, don't book out just yet"
"I don't want sugar in my tea! And what's that, milk??!!"
And all I can reply is:
"Yes, Sir"
"No, Sir"
"Sorry Sir"
...*Grabs Hair with both hands* Gah... No.....
All that acting came to nought when I went to the doc. Different clinic, different person. He looks young, somewhat like a fresh graduate, and all the while having the looks of some "Garang Soldier" I've seen in those famous SAF commercials...
What he says, "Alright, I suppose I can give you at most one week MC."
What he's trying to say, "KNN, NSF CHAO KENG KING, Ask for more MC, then I have to write report for this shit KNN."
Then he says, "But then again, I can't give you the MC, since it contradicts the fact that I allow you to drive. You do understand right?"
What he's trying to say now, "KNN I just got the feeling you want the best of two worlds. Nooooo Wayyy Man."
No.... starting tomorrow, I'm gonna be the personal secretary of some Warrant Officer ... I can starting imagining bad things now... And all the more things my fellow clerk/platoon mate can pile on me, seeing that I have a diploma in IT...
"Zeng, help me wash my mug"
"I'm gonna work overtime, stay back and help me"
"Don't try to play with me, don't waste my time"
"Oh we've got to finish this assignment by this weekend, don't book out just yet"
"I don't want sugar in my tea! And what's that, milk??!!"
And all I can reply is:
"Yes, Sir"
"No, Sir"
"Sorry Sir"
...*Grabs Hair with both hands* Gah... No.....
Sunday, July 31, 2005
I just got a whole bunch of POVs recently, and before I knew it... I've realised I... changed.
These changes are so great and abrupt, at least to me, that I got real shock, and as usual, I'm starting feel like I'm a shadow of myself...
I remember about the fuss I made a week ago, about my birthday. Now, last Thursday, I went for my ex-section mate's birthday, and the quote "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" hits me right in the head...
Being the only one and only person (my section mate's all dunno go where) there, the things I did was just... talking with his dad about army life, and my friend about my life and his life, and a bit of mingling with his friends.
The last twenty years, I've been trying to live my life as it is, free. It's like walking in a lush green field, without any shackles, without any worries.
Now I feel like I'm walking on a tightrope with dumbbells around my feet, and any wrong movement will result in a freefall down to oblivion.
Is it because of what I did in the past that causes me to be what I am today?
These changes are so great and abrupt, at least to me, that I got real shock, and as usual, I'm starting feel like I'm a shadow of myself...
I remember about the fuss I made a week ago, about my birthday. Now, last Thursday, I went for my ex-section mate's birthday, and the quote "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" hits me right in the head...
Being the only one and only person (my section mate's all dunno go where) there, the things I did was just... talking with his dad about army life, and my friend about my life and his life, and a bit of mingling with his friends.
The last twenty years, I've been trying to live my life as it is, free. It's like walking in a lush green field, without any shackles, without any worries.
Now I feel like I'm walking on a tightrope with dumbbells around my feet, and any wrong movement will result in a freefall down to oblivion.
Is it because of what I did in the past that causes me to be what I am today?
Friday, July 29, 2005
I got a visit
Surprise surprise, I got a visit from my fellow unit-mate. Not that I know him much, but still, an army in house visit nonetheless...
He came.... to collect my donation card.
And all the way, from just having woken up, I acted like I was in a lot of pain, yah, unconvincing lot of pain. Limping, wincing, you name it, I've got it.
Just why am I putting up such a fake mask right now? To convince my mates I'm having a bad life with this cursed leg and get more apathy?
On another note, Oh please let my MC be extended.....
Chao keng chao keng , Chao Chao Chao keng~~
He came.... to collect my donation card.
And all the way, from just having woken up, I acted like I was in a lot of pain, yah, unconvincing lot of pain. Limping, wincing, you name it, I've got it.
Just why am I putting up such a fake mask right now? To convince my mates I'm having a bad life with this cursed leg and get more apathy?
On another note, Oh please let my MC be extended.....
Chao keng chao keng , Chao Chao Chao keng~~
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Interesting things happening on my birthday
Wow..... a few things happened yesterday....
1) Xiaxue's webbie got hacked
Surprise surprise.... her blogsite got hacked... Maybe I should start backing up my site too?
2) my warrant officer, saying I'll have to go overtime when I get back
More confirmation that I've become his personal clerk... he actually called me to tell me that loads of work is coming soon... and that I may have to work overtime... duhz.
3) Peter just went into hospital
Peter's having his operation today... I think I'll get him some fruits and a book to read... I know it's real bored to be in hospital for at least half a day...
4) I've got two calls at home from camp to see whether I'm still alive
Wow... I just became a VIP and both of them don't know it's my birthday... haha...
Oh what an interesting day it was...
So far I've got two birthday greetings.... One's from a week ago, my Judo Assistant Coach, Francis (He found it out on Friendster ), and yesterday, Peter...
But still... quite an eventful day yesterday, compared to other days... yawn....
1) Xiaxue's webbie got hacked
Surprise surprise.... her blogsite got hacked... Maybe I should start backing up my site too?
2) my warrant officer, saying I'll have to go overtime when I get back
More confirmation that I've become his personal clerk... he actually called me to tell me that loads of work is coming soon... and that I may have to work overtime... duhz.
3) Peter just went into hospital
Peter's having his operation today... I think I'll get him some fruits and a book to read... I know it's real bored to be in hospital for at least half a day...
4) I've got two calls at home from camp to see whether I'm still alive
Wow... I just became a VIP and both of them don't know it's my birthday... haha...
Oh what an interesting day it was...
So far I've got two birthday greetings.... One's from a week ago, my Judo Assistant Coach, Francis (He found it out on Friendster ), and yesterday, Peter...
But still... quite an eventful day yesterday, compared to other days... yawn....
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
The Birthday Dinner Three Days Ago
This seems a little late, but.... since it's my birthday today ( *cough cough * attention seeker complex here *cough cough* ), might as well write about my dinner three days ago... It's the first time in 21 years that my mum got crazy and cooked such a special birthday dinner... haha... of course I helped a bit la...
It's a long list, and I can't help but describe the dishes made, so it might not be interesting...
Starting with...

tasteless chicken

kidneys and two xtra drumsticks
The chicken and the kidneys were entirely boiled in water make the chicken... tasteless... Besides creating chicken stock, we had to make it tasteless for...

oh the sauce for chicken
The sauce! Mum had me dice an entire clove of garlic just to make this sauce. The garlic is stir fried til golden in oil, and mixed together with oyster sauce and soy sauce, to create the smooth, and fragrant flavour. My mum went a little overboard though with sauces, and used the garlics with sweet plum sauce! Not bad though...
The chicken stock was used for the soup, and something else...

chicken rice!!!
Yes!!! The surprise of the day! Thought it would be just white rice, but! it's chicken rice! Irresistable!

yong tau foo and beancurd skin rolls
Now this is the power dish made by my mum and me... The beancurd (the hard one, not the silken one) was fried to get it's crispy exterior, and the meat was marinated in the morning with sesame oil, carrots, spring onions. We had wanted to get some water chestnuts too, but heck, it was forgotten, so it's just too bad! Then the whole thing was stewed in chicken stock and oyster sauce, to make that crispy, yet juicy dish!
The beancurd skin used to make the meat rolls were surprisingly salty: the smell lingered on my hands for a while, and Mum had to wipe the thing twice to make it less salty... The beancurd skin rolls were not done for quite a while, so Mum got too enthusiastic and made a lot...

stir fried sprouts
The sprouts seemed to be the most expensive of the lot to my mum: she kept saying how she would never buy so little veg for so much... haha...

steamed garoupa
Ah yes... steamed garoupa... the same sauce used for the chicken was also used here... Dad kept saying about how much these dishes would cost in a restaurant, and this dish alone, he said would cost 80-90 bucks... !!! Serious boh....

popping champagne
And champagne! I'm not a real good drinker, and I don't have a preference towards alcohol...

serving it out
Dad insisted on me popping the champagne, and I got it splashing all over the fish... in case you didn't notice the wet liquids on the table... Mum was babbling about how the champagne ruined the garoupa, and Dad was going on how alcohol goes well with seafood...
I would say that the top of the fish was great, but the bottom has the taste of the bitter alcohol and saltiness of the sauce... hah...

champagne is for the classy, not me
And Dad bought 5 wine glasses a few days ago... for alcohol drinking occasions.. like now...

the whole thing
Quite a spread eh?

And not forgetting the fruit of the day: melons! This particular melon was in the kitchen for a week, and had not ripened.... Thankfully the melon was sweet enough... but still a little hard...
And may the photo spamming begin!!!

mum and me
Just took this photo before eating... and Mum kept saying how the gold chain makes a good impression on my frame, and dark shirts. Dun really care man, and I don't really like jewellery...

chicken rice wars
My little brother got a little crazy with chicken rice and ate quite a lot...

pose minus sister
Poor sis... she took the photo and she's not in the picture... No chance to show her teeth... not!

mum and sis

me and bro

A wonderful dinner, from the looks on everyone's faces... :-)

And more proof that champagne is for the girls and ladies...
Alright... gonna talk about the presents some time later! I received a gift from my parents, my godmother and my grandma... hmm... more to come maybe??!!
It's a long list, and I can't help but describe the dishes made, so it might not be interesting...
Starting with...

tasteless chicken

kidneys and two xtra drumsticks

The chicken and the kidneys were entirely boiled in water make the chicken... tasteless... Besides creating chicken stock, we had to make it tasteless for...

oh the sauce for chicken

The sauce! Mum had me dice an entire clove of garlic just to make this sauce. The garlic is stir fried til golden in oil, and mixed together with oyster sauce and soy sauce, to create the smooth, and fragrant flavour. My mum went a little overboard though with sauces, and used the garlics with sweet plum sauce! Not bad though...
The chicken stock was used for the soup, and something else...

chicken rice!!!

Yes!!! The surprise of the day! Thought it would be just white rice, but! it's chicken rice! Irresistable!

yong tau foo and beancurd skin rolls

Now this is the power dish made by my mum and me... The beancurd (the hard one, not the silken one) was fried to get it's crispy exterior, and the meat was marinated in the morning with sesame oil, carrots, spring onions. We had wanted to get some water chestnuts too, but heck, it was forgotten, so it's just too bad! Then the whole thing was stewed in chicken stock and oyster sauce, to make that crispy, yet juicy dish!
The beancurd skin used to make the meat rolls were surprisingly salty: the smell lingered on my hands for a while, and Mum had to wipe the thing twice to make it less salty... The beancurd skin rolls were not done for quite a while, so Mum got too enthusiastic and made a lot...

stir fried sprouts

The sprouts seemed to be the most expensive of the lot to my mum: she kept saying how she would never buy so little veg for so much... haha...

steamed garoupa

Ah yes... steamed garoupa... the same sauce used for the chicken was also used here... Dad kept saying about how much these dishes would cost in a restaurant, and this dish alone, he said would cost 80-90 bucks... !!! Serious boh....

popping champagne

And champagne! I'm not a real good drinker, and I don't have a preference towards alcohol...

serving it out

Dad insisted on me popping the champagne, and I got it splashing all over the fish... in case you didn't notice the wet liquids on the table... Mum was babbling about how the champagne ruined the garoupa, and Dad was going on how alcohol goes well with seafood...
I would say that the top of the fish was great, but the bottom has the taste of the bitter alcohol and saltiness of the sauce... hah...

champagne is for the classy, not me

And Dad bought 5 wine glasses a few days ago... for alcohol drinking occasions.. like now...

the whole thing

Quite a spread eh?


And not forgetting the fruit of the day: melons! This particular melon was in the kitchen for a week, and had not ripened.... Thankfully the melon was sweet enough... but still a little hard...
And may the photo spamming begin!!!

mum and me

Just took this photo before eating... and Mum kept saying how the gold chain makes a good impression on my frame, and dark shirts. Dun really care man, and I don't really like jewellery...

chicken rice wars

My little brother got a little crazy with chicken rice and ate quite a lot...

pose minus sister

Poor sis... she took the photo and she's not in the picture... No chance to show her teeth... not!

mum and sis

me and bro


A wonderful dinner, from the looks on everyone's faces... :-)


And more proof that champagne is for the girls and ladies...
Alright... gonna talk about the presents some time later! I received a gift from my parents, my godmother and my grandma... hmm... more to come maybe??!!
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