Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Why quit Ultimate?

It breaks my heart, and this is something I will never understand.

Why quit Ultimate?

This is the third girl friend who I know, that has personally declared hands off her disc.

You can play Ultimate. It does not need to be very competitive, where you have to get fit to play ultimate, not playing ultimate to get fit. If league and varsity training is not your thing, there are always pickup games!

Unless the main motivation is not disc, then I cannot see why you would quit it altogether. It can be a very fun sport even if you cannot run that fast, or catch that well.

This is very discouraging, especially for me as a non-club ultimate player in singapore.

You don't have to be a in club/varsity/team to play ultimate.
You don't have to keep fit just to play ultimate.
You are in control of your life. I can't force these stuff down your throat, but please, take my advice if you see this.

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