Wednesday, July 04, 2007

New Wheels, Advance Birthday Pressie

I got myself a compilation cd by X for my self-giving present around this month in 2005, so I was thinking, why not get a damn present for myself this year? And after finding out that my bike's rear axle is about to go out of commission, I dropped by a bicycle shop at Clementi to change it before going to SIM for studies.

And what do you know, I felt it's a good time to try road tires for a change... And TA DAH!There is my bike, with brand new wheels! one wheel for 26 dollars. then axle cost was 15 bucks. then an extra change of tube in the front tyre (because the old tube which is made in china is too fat ) costs 7. All in all, 74 buckeroos.

Oh yeah, the bike behind is Cheryl's. Okay...... was Cheryl's. Used by my brother, and when romantic things kick in (he's not single... shit!) he and his girlfriend take my bikes both for a ride.

Good thing about the tyres is that it now takes less effort to cycle. I can cycle at my maximium gear ratio easily. Which brings me to my wish list..... :-)

  1. A helmet
  2. Bling-bling so that cars can see me
  3. A better rear gear. (So can go FASTER!)
  4. A better front gear (The rails keep getting derailed now, but still, tolerable for the speed.)
  5. Pedals and matching boots ( the clicking-in-place ones!)
Funny... I think my life is more or less satisfied... I have no desire for a motorised vehicle... yet.

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