Monday, June 26, 2006

Sprained my knee AGAIN.

Argh... fuck. I sprained my knee again. It wasn't as bad as last, where I tore my ACL, but this time, I can feel it.

I can feel my thigh and shin bone shifting back and forth...

What can I blame on?

Feeling really heavy this week, with a real lack of aerobic exercise?

Lack of warmup? Before the game, I could jog a few rounds, make some practice passes, but another problem comes into the picture; the lack of players.

Could I have come earlier? Well, yes I could but owing to the fact that I had a hectic night before, got me dozing until 2pm, where my uncle woke me up to..... surprise surprise, polish his son's boots.

Apparently he put the soaked-to-the-core boots to dry by the compressor of the fridge for too long, causing the boots' leather to wear off... Of course, with a little magic from my little brother, who is of NPCC calibre, the boots were shining bright again.

But I digress.

The main thing is that I got to Sengkang right on time for the game, without any adequate warmup, causing an old injury to recur again.

Frustrates me to the core man.

And the score! Oh my, the score, it was just terrible. The opponents were poaching our team without any effort. Add in my lousy throws, and it ruins, what could have been, a beautiful game.

Turnovers after turnovers, imcomplete passes, offense that is going nowhere...... Argh!

And monday is my medical appt with my specialist.... I don't think he is going to be happy seeing my knee after so long....

1 comment:

fatyandao said...

This is not good.....can't log in to blogger from i net.