Friday, March 17, 2006


Yeah... I'm on MC, and I'm too busy to blog...

Funny right...

No lah... NFS:MW hardcore now... 7 more races, 100% complete!

then there is this website i've got to finish by this month.... the release date is 1st April. what a joke man...

and... all the anime, all the manga, all the ... oh nvm that.. haha.

And the real reasons why CLAMP (yes the most famous manga-ka team of 4 in the world) is holding back X, why the drawings are so simplified nowadays, and all the photos of the artists who always hide in the backstage.

At least... there's a bit of X candy... : Tsubasa Chronicles... Syao Ran gets to one world, and the end of that world is shown... at least a bit.... and woo Kamui is around, so is Fumma... woo moe moe moe~!~!

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