The presents that my friends gave me are quite useful! Thanks people, especially Qiyou! Saves me a lot of trouble man~
Here are the presents (not in any specific order):
Present #1 - Addias Dri-Fit Top

Qiyou (the one in the striped shirt) says he picked the shirt for the design, but he didn't realise the real usefulness of the shirt sia~

But upon turning the shirt inside out...

Double sided one! That means I can play on the dark or light side with just one shirt! Not two! And it's dri-fit some more! No more soggy shirts! Muahahaha.....

Then my friend Weichang gave me two of this...

A closer look...

A pair of drinking glasses!
Imagination is more important than Knowledge - Albert Enstein
Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art - Andy Warhol
Wah seh..... a bit on the creative and business oriented side hor... not bad ya!
So that's...
Pressie #2 - Two drinking glasses with noteworthy quotes
Pressie #3 - Handphone pouch with two rubber chewy Doraemon thingys

Mum made a pouch from my old socks, and the two Doraemon things are from the cake that my camp mates brought on Thursday. At least, now there's a use for them. Thanks mum, Yeo, Kelvin, Kenny, Zhihong, and Wee Hiong!
Oh yeah, and today, We caught 'Click', starring Adam Sandler. The reviews were a little right... If there was an intention to make the film a tear-jerker, don't try to do it like a half fuck comedy that would soon become a sad ending; it spoils the mood of the movie goer. Dunno whether to cry or laugh....
Oh yes, I managed to pull in a special guest for the movie... 2 years plus never see him liao.... The 3SG Commando Medic, Siva!
Mai Shen Siao, I nearly wanted to rein in Alex Heng too, and that would make half of the Publishing Committee loh! But alas, he confirmed his status too late, so he missed the movie...

And here's another shot...
Can't wait to see Tokyo Drift!