This write up is gonna be so boring.... Just feel it.... I'm really feel like a lazy bum now, despite having stuff a week ago...
Speaking of which... 9 days have past since my birthday, and it seemed pretty much more special than my other 19 birthdays...
Finally got the motivation to try celebrating with friends, and thought of a real crazy idea to eat out... Durians!!! And I celebrated it on two days somemore! Well, actually I was very concerned that the crowd would grow out to be too big, and that they may not be clicking with each other... Which is why I had an outing with my poly groupmates on the first day, and my Ultimate Frisbee Team on the next.
Last Thursday
The first durian feast wasn't really that bad.... I was actually early after getting a call from Adecco in the afternoon, that I might have a three day assignment, using Mircrosoft Office's Mail Merge to do Admininstrative Documents at Thomson Road.
So from Khatib, I got on a bus (853), and I swear that's a freaking fast bus. And it's cheaper than the alternative MRT ride! Still I really regreted that I came that early to wait, because my friends were ALL LATE. Yes. ALL LATE.
Two of my friends came first, which quite helped alot, but not quite the fact that we sat at one of durian stalls waiting an hour for the rest to come. The thought of occupying the seats of durian stall didn't comfort me at all...
And came they did... we got around 9 durians for thirty bucks, and ate them all. 7 were okay, although it's obvious that it isn't fresh and has been here for a while. 1 tasted like a yellow piece of tasteless pulp, and the last one... was actually nice...
Some of us got up to buy durians for our parents, before we got off to drink some soya bean milk and heading back home. Nothing noticable, except that our group's bargain king, Nick, got one chunk of his wallet bitten off by the durian seller. 3 durians for 50 bucks??? and after much bargaining too! Very convinced that the store is a real bad choice made...
The hell, could have gotten twice that number for the same amount of $$ in malaysia man... Anyway, TX and I got real high from taking a nibble from one of the three costly fruits. and made a theory that this is the type of durian that grows on Brandy, or XO... heh heh great crap manz.
Last Friday
The arrival of me was the very opposite of what happened yesterday... haha...
I got on a bus (961) from woodlands after taking care of my grandma, and it was one HELL of a boring ride... It was going well on its way to Geylang, until the bus took a turn for the worse by going to Bukit Merah after Newton Circus. And it went on a tour around outram park, the Singapore General Hospital, Chinatown, The CITY Area, and got itself stuck in a jam on the road to kallang (nicoll highway went bang, and diversions = jams).
All the bus needs is a tour guide and a group of tourists.
I finally arrived at 9pm, staring at group of hungry wolves... they must have not eaten dinner yet...
And so we went to have some horfun, and went for the durians!!!! Again YAHOO!!! This time, we got to another stall and had one hell of a time there... One of us had a crazy idea: to have durians from each of the categories available. The first one, a big Sultan Durian. got really high on that one, like the ones Nick bought~ really good bitter taste.
After which we went for next few durians... Apparently nigel has a tad feeling that durians with creepie crawlies ain't nice... In fact, it's quite the opposite! The ants have a real good taste for great durians, and my mom told me that durians that was attacked by squirrels (?) are often the best-tasting durians...
And teaching people attempting to break apart the hard shells, are of course a good experience!
And do you know that washing your hands, or rinsing your mouth with flowing water through a durian husk gets rid of the odour from them? although nigel was like almost puking after a little rinsing... heh heh...
Got the husky advice from Ah Heng, Thanks a lot man!!!
Then we got around the red light districts of Geylang.... 'whoring' around, and getting into a sex toy shop (first timer here).
From there, we did some other chatty stuff, and went home....
got on the bus with one friend, and talked much about the PROs in geylang and their values if they chose another route. But the main thing off my chest was that I talked out the misunderstanding with her sometime back :)
Another chapter closed....
Wah I write for two hours???
Anyway current update on my current status:
20 days before going into National Service
Right knee is still hurting (No jumping, Squatting = pain, pain, and more pain)
Still single (like i care)
Might be employed.
Might not be able to exercise due to employment.
Thursday, July 29, 2004
Monday, July 12, 2004
The woes of fixing a computer, and the family politics behind it...
It's so boring.... I'm back at my granny's house, and I have something very frustrating to share with you... then again, it's so interesting and intriguing to me, which is why I am writing this down.
Apart from taking care of my grandma, I have another uphill task to take care of, which is fixing the computer in my aunt's house. It seems that after a thunderstorm long ago, the power surge has caused the monitor (A 17" Flat Screen Philps Monitor that costs a fucking 500 bucks back then), and the computer inoperable.
The monitor can't be fixed, and since the warranty was over, my aunt had no choice but to buy a new computer. Now the problem revolves back to the PC. My cousin has been complaining that the computer is still usable, but after being used for one time, the PC cannot be used for at least a week.
Upon some scary analysis, I realised that the RAM is spoilt. so I went to the Hardwarezone forum to search for cheap second hand goods. Got the RAM, aunt is satistified, and WTF, she gave me 60 bucks for a job well done.
Then... the bloody computer went down yet again after a week or so of usage, and once again, the frustrated me went up to fix it one more time. I could have walked away, but no... my conscience of taking in the 60 bucks was really getting to me.... ARGH!
Finally, the whole thing was over, but not without pondering over the fixing of a cd rom drive, an epson printer, and a HP jet printer.... argh......
Apart from taking care of my grandma, I have another uphill task to take care of, which is fixing the computer in my aunt's house. It seems that after a thunderstorm long ago, the power surge has caused the monitor (A 17" Flat Screen Philps Monitor that costs a fucking 500 bucks back then), and the computer inoperable.
The monitor can't be fixed, and since the warranty was over, my aunt had no choice but to buy a new computer. Now the problem revolves back to the PC. My cousin has been complaining that the computer is still usable, but after being used for one time, the PC cannot be used for at least a week.
Upon some scary analysis, I realised that the RAM is spoilt. so I went to the Hardwarezone forum to search for cheap second hand goods. Got the RAM, aunt is satistified, and WTF, she gave me 60 bucks for a job well done.
Then... the bloody computer went down yet again after a week or so of usage, and once again, the frustrated me went up to fix it one more time. I could have walked away, but no... my conscience of taking in the 60 bucks was really getting to me.... ARGH!
Finally, the whole thing was over, but not without pondering over the fixing of a cd rom drive, an epson printer, and a HP jet printer.... argh......
The Judo Club Crawl 2004
Judo Club Crawl was one hell of an experience for me. Once again, I was forced to be a mascot (The last time, I was a dracula, didn't have the photos cos my bloody OGL ran off with it), this time for the NYP Judo Club. I wouldn't really want to tramatise you, but what the hell, might as well give you another thought to have when you sleep at night.
I might enjoy having a good time describing to you what the costume is like, but a more surreal experience would be good, so here it is:

me with a pose
Now let me relate to you the message that comes out of the costume upon wearing it (According to my President).
"This costume, depicts Optimus Prime, a robot. I name it Mecha-Judoka (What the hell is that?). The purpose of this robot representing NYP Judo Club, is to tell everyone, that anyone, and everyone can take part in Judo."
If I tell that crap out in front of the mike, the whole crowd would be Rolling about on the ground, laughing their arses off. I was already walking like a robot, because of the limitations in my suit, and as a result of that, I can't even do an Ukemi in this outfit.
Although getting the audience is one thing that can keep my emotions high (this suit got many babes going "Holy Shit, look out behind you! A traffic policeman", and guys trying to punch and kick the guts out of me), I was soooo happy I got to hide my face in a mask, and my eyes in a translucent pair of glasses.

judo us... capish?

me with judo flag

me and kendo guy
Amazingly, the publicity that I took to task managed to get in a lot of people, including a bunch of babes that seem to be from some dancing company! Wah seh... good things could be happening at the club real soon...
I might enjoy having a good time describing to you what the costume is like, but a more surreal experience would be good, so here it is:

me with a pose

Now let me relate to you the message that comes out of the costume upon wearing it (According to my President).
"This costume, depicts Optimus Prime, a robot. I name it Mecha-Judoka (What the hell is that?). The purpose of this robot representing NYP Judo Club, is to tell everyone, that anyone, and everyone can take part in Judo."
If I tell that crap out in front of the mike, the whole crowd would be Rolling about on the ground, laughing their arses off. I was already walking like a robot, because of the limitations in my suit, and as a result of that, I can't even do an Ukemi in this outfit.
Although getting the audience is one thing that can keep my emotions high (this suit got many babes going "Holy Shit, look out behind you! A traffic policeman", and guys trying to punch and kick the guts out of me), I was soooo happy I got to hide my face in a mask, and my eyes in a translucent pair of glasses.

judo us... capish?

me with judo flag

me and kendo guy

Amazingly, the publicity that I took to task managed to get in a lot of people, including a bunch of babes that seem to be from some dancing company! Wah seh... good things could be happening at the club real soon...
Taking profesional Family Photos
Wahaha First timer here... My whole family went for the graduation photo-taking. My cousin-cum-brother was also included in it. In utmost honesty, my sister actually looked beautiful and elegant during her solo photo taking. One pose of her was so seductive that I almost thought that she could be better than Miss Singapore Universe. Scary Stuff.
And yah, I am still grimacing about the disappointment in the Singapore Universe 2004.
And on a more narcissist issue, with the long sleeved shirt that Weiliang recommended me, paired with a tie, and topped with a black formal jacket, I really look Gooood....... Wahahah!
Scary stuff professional still photographers can do~
Anyway, when I have the photos, will be scanning and showing it off on the blog.... Woot!
And yah, I am still grimacing about the disappointment in the Singapore Universe 2004.
And on a more narcissist issue, with the long sleeved shirt that Weiliang recommended me, paired with a tie, and topped with a black formal jacket, I really look Gooood....... Wahahah!
Scary stuff professional still photographers can do~
Anyway, when I have the photos, will be scanning and showing it off on the blog.... Woot!
Graduations.... Graduations!!!
My graduation is before the army, August 6th. WOOHOO!!!!
Speaking of which, I went for my sister's graduation ceremony last Wednesday. She has a pretty rushed time making sure that she has a perfect day graduating, and the family, save for my brother, had to take TWO taxis down to NUS. Apparently, she lost her spectacles, and thus the speedy taxi ride. And with a person who doesn't like to see the morning sun (LIKE ME), My Dad had a BIG problem dragging me out of my bed.
Well, going to NUS has a big reason:
1) to make sure that I have enjoyed the cheap but wonderful food at "The Deck". The Deck wasn't voted "The Best NUS Canteen" for two consecutive years for nothing, ya know? The Japanese food is very filling, unlike the measly contents in NYP's FJ. and the Western food is for Western Sizes. Makansutra should do a documentary on this. Anyway, the Crowd Control at the Ceremony was so good, I was kicked out of the family for being an extra (They only allow two guests and I was the third), so might as well walk about in the campus.
After wandering for two hours, I was finally summoned back. My sister really looked very happy, having graduated, and I finally realise her Degree that she was studying for.
Bachelor in Science, Chemistry Major...
I also have to add that she looked like a freak after the whole thing. I have the photos as evidence!!!

if not for that hat, I would actually look handsome

posing like it ain't real graduation
Speaking of which, I went for my sister's graduation ceremony last Wednesday. She has a pretty rushed time making sure that she has a perfect day graduating, and the family, save for my brother, had to take TWO taxis down to NUS. Apparently, she lost her spectacles, and thus the speedy taxi ride. And with a person who doesn't like to see the morning sun (LIKE ME), My Dad had a BIG problem dragging me out of my bed.
Well, going to NUS has a big reason:
1) to make sure that I have enjoyed the cheap but wonderful food at "The Deck". The Deck wasn't voted "The Best NUS Canteen" for two consecutive years for nothing, ya know? The Japanese food is very filling, unlike the measly contents in NYP's FJ. and the Western food is for Western Sizes. Makansutra should do a documentary on this. Anyway, the Crowd Control at the Ceremony was so good, I was kicked out of the family for being an extra (They only allow two guests and I was the third), so might as well walk about in the campus.
After wandering for two hours, I was finally summoned back. My sister really looked very happy, having graduated, and I finally realise her Degree that she was studying for.
Bachelor in Science, Chemistry Major...
I also have to add that she looked like a freak after the whole thing. I have the photos as evidence!!!

if not for that hat, I would actually look handsome

posing like it ain't real graduation

My granny and the Broadband Withdrawal Syndrome
I'm now experiencing the effects of the broadband withdrawal syndrome. The lack of speed, has forced me to write this down on the good old notepad of Win95 (You hear that?!).
Right now I am beside my maternal grandma, who is finally sleeping soundly in my aunt's house.
She was intent on coming to my house to stay there for a while (Ritual Khek Migration), but she was down with a cough, and my mum asked me to take care of her for the whole day. Luckily, my aunt had some foresight, and seeing that I can't cook well, she cooked some porridge for the day, saving me the multi-tasks of having to talk with her and cooking.
3 hours ago, I was keen on listening on what she has to babble, also making this a chance to improve on my dialect Khek Tongue. My uncle, who has not gone out of house yet, surprisingly, told me to enjoy her "annoying talk" before he went to work. Surely, what my grandma speak can't be that bad... and I was pretty wrong.
1 hour ago, I was almost pleading with her to let me read my newspapers, and she just kept on talking the same topics an hour ago. She actually asked me three times whether I was in the army or not.
But I think it is a good experience. Not that I want to complain, but she grows a huge collection of plants, and she commands the respect of that whole storey.
Me: Granny, is it ok to water others' plants?
Grandma: Yah, go on. They all know me.
Right now I am beside my maternal grandma, who is finally sleeping soundly in my aunt's house.
She was intent on coming to my house to stay there for a while (Ritual Khek Migration), but she was down with a cough, and my mum asked me to take care of her for the whole day. Luckily, my aunt had some foresight, and seeing that I can't cook well, she cooked some porridge for the day, saving me the multi-tasks of having to talk with her and cooking.
3 hours ago, I was keen on listening on what she has to babble, also making this a chance to improve on my dialect Khek Tongue. My uncle, who has not gone out of house yet, surprisingly, told me to enjoy her "annoying talk" before he went to work. Surely, what my grandma speak can't be that bad... and I was pretty wrong.
1 hour ago, I was almost pleading with her to let me read my newspapers, and she just kept on talking the same topics an hour ago. She actually asked me three times whether I was in the army or not.
But I think it is a good experience. Not that I want to complain, but she grows a huge collection of plants, and she commands the respect of that whole storey.
Me: Granny, is it ok to water others' plants?
Grandma: Yah, go on. They all know me.
You Blogders are freaking lucky....
My Dear Weblog Readers,
You are so lucky.
Why, you ask?
Because I am now taking care of my grandma, and I have no games to play at my aunt's house.
A flurry of entries.... Enjoy!!!
You are so lucky.
Why, you ask?
Because I am now taking care of my grandma, and I have no games to play at my aunt's house.
A flurry of entries.... Enjoy!!!
Saturday, July 10, 2004
Something to look on
My life is like a pig's life: eating, sleeping, housework, blah blah blah. Also I have been indulging in a few games like Final Fantasy VII, and VIII, and a new First Person Shooter, XIII.
XIII is a cool game. I have it, ask me for a copy~
Anyway, because of my busy hands attending to the game controller, here's a new blog of mine. Pictures dating to as long as one month. Not in order, so view at your own risk! Will be constructing stories when my hands are free...
XIII is a cool game. I have it, ask me for a copy~
Anyway, because of my busy hands attending to the game controller, here's a new blog of mine. Pictures dating to as long as one month. Not in order, so view at your own risk! Will be constructing stories when my hands are free...
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
My Legs, My Doubts.
Well, right now I'm really depressed like crazy. If I were to relate all these my captain, I swear he would call me a disappointment yet again. So I shall pour my sad crap here.
Well, I went to Alexandra Hospital last Tuesday and did a further check up on my right knee. My kneecap is now dislocated, and I have a boney island at the top of my calf bone. And two days later I will be going to physiotherapise my legs.
After Physio:
Legs still hurt like hell, but theorically my ligaments can't take my weight any more. Which is also why my kneecap is out of place. now I have to strengthen them to force the kneecap back in place.
So I worked out at the hospital gym, and had therapy on my legs. I swear man, other than the word TICKLISH, I would say that the treatment was a complete 20 minute torture. You have electrical currents flowing through your ligaments, and laughing away the tickles, but no.... the Nurse says NO LAUGHING is permitted in here.
Definitely worse than the Hot-Cold Treatment.
Well, I went to Alexandra Hospital last Tuesday and did a further check up on my right knee. My kneecap is now dislocated, and I have a boney island at the top of my calf bone. And two days later I will be going to physiotherapise my legs.
After Physio:
Legs still hurt like hell, but theorically my ligaments can't take my weight any more. Which is also why my kneecap is out of place. now I have to strengthen them to force the kneecap back in place.
So I worked out at the hospital gym, and had therapy on my legs. I swear man, other than the word TICKLISH, I would say that the treatment was a complete 20 minute torture. You have electrical currents flowing through your ligaments, and laughing away the tickles, but no.... the Nurse says NO LAUGHING is permitted in here.
Definitely worse than the Hot-Cold Treatment.
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